Tips & Tricks Tips for making scripts


Gods of Odds

I am starting a new lore series soon and I am going to need to make a script for each episode so I was wondering if anyone had any tips on making an actual script. Is it anything like an essay or is it completely different? I have started by taking some notes.

INDI vidual

Active Member
Mar 11, 2016
Well, first of all, you need to choose what topic you are gonna present to the people. You need structure. Like: "ok, my video is gonna be 15 minutes long, so i'll talk about this topic for 5 minutes, this one for 3 and this one for 12". Also, you need to choose in what genre you want to make them: are they gonna be serious ones or funny or serious with some jokes. Anything will do until people are interested in your work. Another good thing to do, is to give it to your friend to read. He can give you his thoughts, maybe. These are just simple ones i can think of right from the top of my head.
Hope it will help :D

Gods of Odds

Well, first of all, you need to choose what topic you are gonna present to the people. You need structure. Like: "ok, my video is gonna be 15 minutes long, so i'll talk about this topic for 5 minutes, this one for 3 and this one for 12". Also, you need to choose in what genre you want to make them: are they gonna be serious ones or funny or serious with some jokes. Anything will do until people are interested in your work. Another good thing to do, is to give it to your friend to read. He can give you his thoughts, maybe. These are just simple ones i can think of right from the top of my head.
Hope it will help :D
Thanks for the tips.