Gaming Time to get into the Christmas Spirit with 12 Days of InstaSim


A Welsh Entertainment Channel
Freedom! Member
Jul 20, 2015
Wales, UK
Ho! Ho! Ho! It's that time of year to celebrate the Festive Season, and what better way that to dress up as Santa Claus and play some online games. Well 12 Days of Christmas is exactly that. For the run up to Christmas, I will be uploading a video every day at roughly 9am (GMT) of a game that is themed around Christmas, all while dressed up as Santa himself :)
This is the first time I'm actually doing this series therefore feedback will be very much appreciated, and if you enjoy this series please give me some suggestions for games/topics to cover for 2017 as I'm hoping to make this an annual series on the channel.
If you'd like to see the series, here is the playlist for the series. 5 videos are already up with a few more to come :)