Things I HATE about YouTube !!! **RANT

Dark Illusion Gaming

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Nov 22, 2015
I Love Running my channel I really really do, its fun I can make some creative things, and thats probably the same reason you guys do it too. Of course money is great anyone here who says they don't want more money is a plank ! But here are my things I hate about YouTube and Youtubers.

1) Sub4Sub - you people are the cancer of YouTube, just endless numbers of dead subscribers that make your channel and the other Saps channel look terrible. Oh WOW 222 subs with 83 views ! it looks Shocking. Plus subs do not instantly earn you money people do not tend to look at the sub count, its more the views over the last 28 days.

2) The " I need help to grow but i am not going to help my self or do anything about it " YouTuber - This grips my Sh** countless times in the chat, i need help to grow man what should i do ??? Expecting someone to turn around a handout free subs with sponsorship to monster energy. I wouldn't mind if they had looked in the forum for help and didn't understand, thats a different story and i would love to help them. Then 9/10 these people drop their link in the live chat and then Fox-Trot Oscar !

3) The My channel is the best check it out - people who are just arrogant, with a channel thats the equivalent value to a fresh dog turd.

4) The YouTube Elitist - the person who thinks every channel except the YT'ers i.e. Ali A, Syndicate, ii SUPERWOMAN ii Etc that have made it on YT is rubbish or awful or feels the need to dislike or talk trash in the comments because the mic quality is not the greatest. Not everyone can afford the most expensive equipment that all the other guys have because mummy's boyfriend is 88 years old, very rich and about to die soon.

5) The spammers - The guys who leave there link in SO many places, in the wrong places and in your comments on your videos. These guys usually run hand on D*** with the SUB4SUB guys into the sunset of dreamland.

6) The "I dont love money people" - the amount of people that have jumped on this " I don't do it for the money" bandwagon is getting silly and lets be honest with your selves you only say that because your earnings per month is 1 cent or less. Everyone loves money and why not have something you love doing pay you ?? **PRO TIP you cant buy a Lamborghini with hopes and dreams.

I have no idea why i am so annoyed by these things today, I think it is the amount of people dropping their link in the live chat and then leaving. If any of these offend you, You are one of these people and for the love of all things great. STOP BEING A YOUTUBER. Just go back to watching.
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Active Member
Jan 23, 2016
Dude I completely agree with you.. I think you can ask somebody to subscribe to your channel, but only if you're honest. So no fake promotion, like: "WANT TO KNOW HOW TO GROW ON YOUTUBE FAST!? CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL!" blah blah blah...

Dark Illusion Gaming

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Nov 22, 2015
the only time asking people to sub is at like the end of your videos like "dont forget to like a subscribe" or whatever OR the only other scenario would be something along the line of if they had been watching a series of yours and keeps asking when the next one is. Subscribe and the app will let you know when its out


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
I Love Running my channel I really really do, its fun I can make some creative things, and thats probably the same reason you guys do it too. Of course money is great anyone here who says they don't want more money is a plank ! But here are my things I hate about YouTube and Youtubers.

1) Sub4Sub - you people are the cancer of YouTube, just endless numbers of dead subscribers that make your channel and the other Saps channel look terrible. Oh WOW 222 subs with 83 views ! it looks Shocking. Plus subs do not instantly earn you money people do not tend to look at the sub count, its more the views over the last 28 days.

2) The " I need help to grow but i am not going to help my self or do anything about it " YouTuber - This grips my Sh** countless times in the chat, i need help to grow man what should i do ??? Expecting someone to turn around a handout free subs with sponsorship to monster energy. I wouldn't mind if they had looked in the forum for help and didn't understand, thats a different story and i would love to help them. Then 9/10 these people drop their link in the live chat and then Fox-Trot Oscar !

3) The My channel is the best check it out - people who are just arrogant, with a channel thats the equivalent value to a fresh dog turd.

4) The YouTube Elitist - the person who thinks every channel except the YT'ers i.e. Ali A, Syndicate, ii SUPERWOMAN ii Etc that have made it on YT is rubbish or awful or feels the need to dislike or talk trash in the comments because the mic quality is not the greatest. Not everyone can afford the most expensive equipment that all the other guys have because mummy's boyfriend is 88 years old, very rich and about to die soon.

5) The spammers - The guys who leave there link in SO many places, in the wrong places and in your comments on your videos. These guys usually run hand in D*** with the SUB4SUB guys into the sunset of dreamland.

6) The "I dont love money people" - the amount of people that have jumped on this " I don't do it for the money" bandwagon is getting silly and lets be honest with your selves you only say that because your earnings per month is 1 cent or less. Everyone loves money and why not have something you love doing pay you ?? **PRO TIP you cant buy a Lamborghini with hopes and dreams.

I have no idea why i am so annoyed by these things today, I think it is the amount of people dropping their link in the live chat and then leaving. If any of these offend you, You are one of these people and for the love of all things great. STOP BEING A YOUTUBER. Just go back to watching.
Sub4sub can get annoying at times. Especially on twitter, people think that they will get views a lot easier that way. I don't know why people expect to be carried to the top. It's nice to support others though, it's a rare trait lately. I understand someone saying that their channel is awesome to a friend privately, but it can get a bit old at times. I'm just glad when they say it while excited for making videos in general, it's hard to keep that mindset for a few weeks after uploading.

Starting off with high-end equipment is getting harder lately because the standard for doing a basic video is getting higher for the bar of entry. Standing out takes a lot of effort with all of the competition now. Hah, when it comes to people say "Great video, I liked it", they're definitely just doing it to get noticed at times. As for money, some people honestly do it for a hobby. Yet, I know a lot of people that scream "I want subscribers, so sub to me, I'm not doing this for money, but out of the kindness of my on heart, let me make you laugh!


Respected User
Dec 16, 2015
Indiana, United States
Are you calm now? Need a glass of water and a foot rub? lol j/k man. Yeah you bring up some great points here. Personally I only subscribe to a channel if I enjoy the content. I'm in chat quite a bit and I'll take a look at someone's channel for the heck of it, but I never subscribe unless I think I'm actually going to watch the content in the future.

YouTubers who claim they're "not in it for the money." Well noble of you. I live in reality though, and here in reality, there is rent to pay, food to buy, gas to purchases, etc. I spend 40+ hours a week aside from full-time job working on my YouTube content in the hopes that people will recognize the unique quality of the content and become fans who will regularly view my videos. Do I love gaming? Yes. Do I enjoy editing? Yes I do. Do I want to put a ton of hard work into YouTube simply for the enjoyment of entertaining others? Hell no. I'd like to see reward for the hours of work I dedicate to this hobby, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing YouTube for monetary gain. Anyone who says they aren't doing YouTube for the money is either a kid whose parent's support them, independently wealthy, or just a straight up liar. Why join a network that requires you to monetize your videos? If you were that noble of a person then you would fly solo, unmonetize your videos, and truly do youtube just for fun.

Nice post here @Dark Illusion Gaming. Well stated.

Dark Illusion Gaming

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Nov 22, 2015
Why join a network that requires you to monetize your videos? If you were that noble of a person then you would fly solo, unmonetize your videos, and truly do youtube just for fun.

YES !! this is what i am talking about !

umm but in terms of calm i need a dam holiday rather than a foot rub, I have my credit card out, MUST STAY AWAY from british airways. Or i might just vist L.A sooner rather than later lol oh and i might get a foot rub over there lol


Rising User
Apr 3, 2016
I agree with everything you said, very good Rant BTW; after two years of slowly growing my gaming channel from 0 Subs to over 1,040 now I know how hard it can be. Especially with so many other gaming channels out there, but success doesn't happen overnight; most of us have come to realize that, but sadly there's a lot out there that just don't get it.

Desperation for growth has led a lot of YouTubers to do things most of us shun; Sub4Sub, Spamming, etc. It's one thing for a fellow YTer to ask me to check out their channel, and give them my two cents; which I'm always happy to do, but don't Subscribe to somebody expecting them to sub back or go in our comments section spamming your channel, that's not exactly a good way to make friends.

We all want to grow our channels, have more people view the content we love making, find fellow YouTubers to collaborate with, and eventually get big enough to make a decent paycheck; it just takes time, dedication, passion, and a lot of patience.
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Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jun 13, 2014
I agree with everything ASIDE from the money thing. I dont know what world some people live in that think they can pay the bills with 50-500 subs, but i assure you, you probably cant. I have a channel with almost 2k subs that nets me under 50 a month.. so, no... i dont do it for the money. The money is something that comes from it. That is why I have a full time job and dont rely on youtube to pay my bills.

THAT is what annoys me. When someone with 1 channel that has 10-50 subs goes and says "I dont do it for the money". No S*** you dont.. you dont make anything to do it for the money for..

I get what your saying though, and I agree. I just think when people say that, its like when i say it. I have means for my bills. Money on youtube is just extra money on top of what i make at my day job. I dont get up and record a video for the money. I do it because i like it. The money is just a bonus.

I vape, and just started a vaping channel, so my gaming channels earnings can net me a couple bottles of juice each month or some other hardware that i can talk about on my other channel. My money goes right back into my brand pretty much haha

Dark Illusion Gaming

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Nov 22, 2015
I agree with everything ASIDE from the money thing. I dont know what world some people live in that think they can pay the bills with 50-500 subs, but i assure you, you probably cant. I have a channel with almost 2k subs that nets me under 50 a month.. so, no... i dont do it for the money. The money is something that comes from it. That is why I have a full time job and dont rely on youtube to pay my bills.

THAT is what annoys me. When someone with 1 channel that has 10-50 subs goes and says "I dont do it for the money". No S*** you dont.. you dont make anything to do it for the money for..

I get what your saying though, and I agree. I just think when people say that, its like when i say it. I have means for my bills. Money on youtube is just extra money on top of what i make at my day job. I dont get up and record a video for the money. I do it because i like it. The money is just a bonus.

I vape, and just started a vaping channel, so my gaming channels earnings can net me a couple bottles of juice each month or some other hardware that i can talk about on my other channel. My money goes right back into my brand pretty much haha

cool man I vape too just got my self a rx200 with a SMOK TFV4 tank :)

Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
I let people that try to Sub4Sub do what they want to do and never try to help them. It's better to let them think they're successful than to actually have them end up successful. Clearly they're in it for the fame and money.


Mythic User
I think a lot of these people are still learning what to do and what not to do. Especially kids who have just joined youtube, they see people doing sub4sub and think it's a great way to grow their channel... People trying to get away with promoting their channel can get a bit annoying, especially if I give them a warning and they they straight up disagree saying they did nothing wrong -_-


Well-Known User
Mar 1, 2016
I agree with this whole post but the thing is, people obviously need money and YouTube is an easy way to make it, but there are some people who do it purely for money and don't give a **** about anyone that watches them which is very discouraging to the people watching them. An example to this is big YouTubers that just put clickbait titles in their videos.