Gaming TheKyleHD - Gaming At It's Core - Check Me Out!


New User
Feb 5, 2016
Dallas, Texas
I am a 19 year old from Dallas, Texas with a passion for video games. Between work, and school, I spend my free time hanging with friends, and of course, playing video games. I primarily play PC, but have played Xbox before, whenever I can. I love to upload videos and get feedback from the viewers, and hopefully snag a subscriber or two on the way. I like to collaborate with my fellow YouTubers, and never shy away from an opportunity to grow the channel, and if I can help someone else's channel who is just like me grow at the same time, then I am all for that. So do not hesitate to contact me for some extra publicity!

My channel is mainly about gaming. From commentaries to funny video series, I will do whatever it is that my viewers want to see. If you have any requests for games, or video topics to talk about, let me know below, or just message me. I am always down to try new things.

I am pretty decent at graphics, and if anyone needs help in that area, feel free to message me on here, or on YouTube/Twitter etc. As long as I get some publicity in return, no graphics will ever be charged for :p

For those of you who made it to the end, I thank you. If I had a cookie, I would give you my cookie.

Check out my channel below, and leave some feedback.


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
hey , welcome to Freedom , I hope you enjoy your stay and if you need any help just ask :)