The Struggle on YouTube

Devon Goth

Rising User
Dec 14, 2014
I see people with all these subscribers and views. These big YouTubers have all these fans that they interact with and meet up with. I get kind of jealous because of it. I've been on YouTube since 2011 with multiple channels, but I never got the breakthrough yet. I've thought about giving up on my dreams and just forget about YouTube in general. I'm grateful for the subs and fans I have, but I won't be able to entertain them forever if I can't make my life all about YouTube. Not a lot of people give my channel or even me a chance to make people smile. I can't seem to put a dent in the community. If I can't put a dent then what's the point of trying and coming back for years and years?

I'm going to keep trying to make videos and entertain people. Entertainment and making people happy and smile is my #1 priority on YouTube. I'll keep fighting and I won't give up, but I only have 3 years of high school left. If I can't make a dent by then, I'll let myself down and the fans who watch my videos.

I'm making this post just to see who reads it and comments. I want to know that I am not alone on YouTube. I want to know that their are people like me who can't put a dent in the community. Maybe we can all just work together until we finally make a breakthrough.

Kratos Aurion

You Earnestly believe you could defeat me?
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Phoenix, Arizona
You don't have to limit yourself to just your high school years. I started youtube during my 4th year of college and I am currently in my 6th year (Changed Majors) and still going strong while maintaining my grades. Don't know if you have plans for college but you can most definitely keep it going after high school. Myself I'm not sure what I'll do after college is done but I do still plan to keep youtube as part of the plans at least on the side anyway. You most certainly can too even if you don't have plans for college after high school.


Gaming and Commentary
Freedom! Member
I'll let you know that you aren't alone. I'm in much the same position as you, having almost the same amount of subscribers and the same amount of time on YouTube.
I've been working for ages, sometimes going through periods where I didn't feel like uploading anything because there were barely any viewers. The funny thing is, it's a repeating cycle. If you start giving up, your content becomes worse and triggers more people to stop watching. You have to keep at it, and try to look past the negatives.
I've just finished high school, and am now going on to university. This means I have much more time to record and edit. Don't push yourself to a tight schedule if you're in high school. You don't need to upload multiple times per week. The quality of your videos is always the priority!
Just make sure you look after yourself.

Devon Goth

Rising User
Dec 14, 2014
You don't have to limit yourself to just your high school years. I started youtube during my 4th year of college and I am currently in my 6th year (Changed Majors) and still going strong while maintaining my grades. Don't know if you have plans for college but you can most definitely keep it going after high school. Myself I'm not sure what I'll do after college is done but I do still plan to keep youtube as part of the plans at least on the side anyway. You most certainly can too even if you don't have plans for college after high school.

I want to be an actor and make movies so realistically If YouTube took off before or right after high school ended I would do youtube full time and I would be able to make movies. If I went to film school I could still do YouTube on the side, but to be honest I'm learning more now about editing and film than if I went to college. Your comment did help me a little. Thank you![DOUBLEPOST=1451949329][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'll let you know that you aren't alone. I'm in much the same position as you, having almost the same amount of subscribers and the same amount of time on YouTube.
I've been working for ages, sometimes going through periods where I didn't feel like uploading anything because there were barely any viewers. The funny thing is, it's a repeating cycle. If you start giving up, your content becomes worse and triggers more people to stop watching. You have to keep at it, and try to look past the negatives.
I've just finished high school, and am now going on to university. This means I have much more time to record and edit. Don't push yourself to a tight schedule if you're in high school. You don't need to upload multiple times per week. The quality of your videos is always the priority!
Just make sure you look after yourself.

You do have a point. I'm going to keep at it and make the best videos I can. Thank you!
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Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
I mean I started about 1 year ago and I can see where your coming from . there has been a lot of times where I thought , I'm not making an impact but that's when you need to keep going , making a lot of channels doesn't help either , I always gaining and losing a sub , I will gain one then lose one but Ive kept going , I took a break for a while but I'm back and loving it again , you need to make keep going at it , make sure your using social media , I am trying to make everything better on my channel by adding facecam and trying to improve my editing but it wont happen in a day , I used to think it would but it doesn't , it is a very slow process but you will get there !!!
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Devon Goth

Rising User
Dec 14, 2014
I mean I started about 1 year ago and I can see where your coming from . there has been a lot of times where I thought , I'm not making an impact but that's when you need to keep going , making a lot of channels doesn't help either , I always gaining and losing a sub , I will gain one then lose one but Ive kept going , I took a break for a while but I'm back and loving it again , you need to make keep going at it , make sure your using social media , I am trying to make everything better on my channel by adding facecam and trying to improve my editing but it wont happen in a day , I used to think it would but it doesn't , it is a very slow process but you will get there !!!

I'll never give up on YouTube. I'm glad people like you exist because you help people like me and motivate me to keep pushing. Thank you! Also I checked your channel out and I like your videos man. I like the improvements with the webcam. Listen I don't have a lot of friends in the community, so if you want to maybe collab in some way in the future or give feedback on my videos and how I can improve, I'd like that. You seem like a cool guy lol
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Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
I'll never give up on YouTube. I'm glad people like you exist because you help people like me and motivate me to keep pushing. Thank you! Also I checked your channel out and I like your videos man. I like the improvements with the webcam. Listen I don't have a lot of friends in the community, so if you want to maybe collab in some way in the future or give feedback on my videos and how I can improve, I'd like that. You seem like a cool guy lol

Good to hear !!!! we need to help each other out because its how we grow and cheers for giving my channel a look at , helps me a lot with growth and improving !!! , we can defo collab one day sounds good to me :)
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Devon Goth

Rising User
Dec 14, 2014
It's tough. I've been on YouTube (on and off) for about 3.5 years and I'm still a very small channel. I love to see a new comment or new sub and that's what keeps me going.
Good to hear !!!! we need to help each other out because its how we grow and cheers for giving my channel a look at , helps me a lot with growth and improving !!! , we can defo collab one day sounds good to me :)

Awesome man. Well whenever you want to collab or if you need help with something like editing just message me on YouTube. I'd be more than happy to help in anyway.
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Phil Kidd

Human Person
Freedom! Member
Dec 10, 2014
I don't see why you have to only do this during high school. I joined freedom a year ago with 300 subscribers because I wanted to give this ago, and now I have 20k subs with over 2mil views per month. And you know what? I'm 27 years old, and have living post-highschool for almost 10 years.

I think the older you get, the better you're going to get. With age comes experience and maturity to self reflect and create better content. A lot of youtubers hit their stride in their late twenties or even thirties. Roman Atwood, Aaron Kyro and many others got big on this medium well after they were done school. Age is no limit (unless you're too young and have limited creative access because of parenting or school responsibilities). In fact, I wish more people would wait until they were DONE highschool to start making content.

Devon Goth

Rising User
Dec 14, 2014
I don't see why you have to only do this during high school. I joined freedom a year ago with 300 subscribers because I wanted to give this ago, and now I have 20k subs with over 2mil views per month. And you know what? I'm 27 years old, and have living post-highschool for almost 10 years.

I think the older you get, the better you're going to get. With age comes experience and maturity to self reflect and create better content. A lot of youtubers hit their stride in their late twenties or even thirties. Roman Atwood, Aaron Kyro and many others got big on this medium well after they were done school. Age is no limit (unless you're too young and have limited creative access because of parenting or school responsibilities). In fact, I wish more people would wait until they were DONE highschool to start making content.

What I meant by only doing it through high school is that's like my goal date. The end of high school if I put time and effort into my content and I make it somewhere I'm gonna keep going. Yeah maybe after high school I'll still end up doing youtube more because I do love making videos. People make content though even when they are still in school because it's a hobby they have. I remember back when I was in 6th grade I just loved making funny videos because I love entertaining people and I still do.
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The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Youtube can indeed be difficult sometimes but as long as you enjoy making content. I am one of those people who doesn't do commentary so my channel grows slow but i enjoy in making the content it took me almost 2 years to achieve where i am now and slowly i am gaining more and more interaction. Staying dedicates to the game is what helps. Socialize with other gamers and do your thing mate :)
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Devon Goth

Rising User
Dec 14, 2014
Youtube can indeed be difficult sometimes but as long as you enjoy making content. I am one of those people who doesn't do commentary so my channel grows slow but i enjoy in making the content it took me almost 2 years to achieve where i am now and slowly i am gaining more and more interaction. Staying dedicates to the game is what helps. Socialize with other gamers and do your thing mate :)

I'm actually working on collabing with people and I'm trying to be friends with more YouTubers around my sub count so we can grow together. I won't give up on this dream. I have a passion for making the best videos possible! Thank you for also showing me that I am not alone in the community lol


The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
I'm actually working on collabing with people and I'm trying to be friends with more YouTubers around my sub count so we can grow together. I won't give up on this dream. I have a passion for making the best videos possible! Thank you for also showing me that I am not alone in the community lol
No problem mate and it is always good to expand your network and get to know new gamers :)
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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Dec 4, 2015
The concern you are expressing is legitimate, but I guess you are approaching this from a monetary standpoint, Where I was making films when I was a kid, because it was what I loved to do. I perform. Whether it is my writing, doing standup, making videos, storytelling, or DMing a group through a dungeon crawl, I perform. If you perform you are almost always on to one degree or another, sadly that has its price too. The candle that burns twice as bright, burns twice as fast.

Blessings and Peace,
Michael D. "illumANark" Conway

Julian Sava

Active Member
Freedom! Member
I see people with all these subscribers and views. These big YouTubers have all these fans that they interact with and meet up with. I get kind of jealous because of it. I've been on YouTube since 2011 with multiple channels, but I never got the breakthrough yet. I've thought about giving up on my dreams and just forget about YouTube in general. I'm grateful for the subs and fans I have, but I won't be able to entertain them forever if I can't make my life all about YouTube. Not a lot of people give my channel or even me a chance to make people smile. I can't seem to put a dent in the community. If I can't put a dent then what's the point of trying and coming back for years and years?

I'm going to keep trying to make videos and entertain people. Entertainment and making people happy and smile is my #1 priority on YouTube. I'll keep fighting and I won't give up, but I only have 3 years of high school left. If I can't make a dent by then, I'll let myself down and the fans who watch my videos.

I'm making this post just to see who reads it and comments. I want to know that I am not alone on YouTube. I want to know that their are people like me who can't put a dent in the community. Maybe we can all just work together until we finally make a breakthrough.

Well mate first of all.. Never give up what you are doing.
Second : You need to do some Social Media and interact with people.
I started in 2012 and I have over 1200 subscribers and about 680.000 views on 1 channel.
You need to know what you want to do. Gaming videos , Funny Videos , Mix ones ..
You need to do at least 4 videos per week and share thru social media since it's very important to get your videos out to the people.
So never give up your dream and keep it together..
We are here for you with ideas and more..
Just ask !
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