Gaming The New Guy in town (Gamer/Vlogger)

RevIt Gaming

New User
Hello and Gooooooood Morning Everyone!

I'm Jason and I've been making Youtube videos now for, WOW almost a year as of December 18, 2014. I have a 1 year anniversary coming up soon. I'm an old fart (34 on December 5th). I decided to join Freedom after reading all the positive information about them. I didn't start my Youtube channel to get rich. I started it because I love gaming, love creating and editing videos. So I figured why not share my passion with the world.

I am mostly a video game channel with few vlogs in the mix. I just started doing vlogs almost a month ago when my wife and I took a trip to LA as a pre-honeymoon getaway (Married 10/31/15). Real honeymoon is in March if you were wondering. Doing vlogs was a big step for me because I am a shy person, but I think I did a good job with them so far. I also recently started showing my face in my gameplay in the top left or top right corner. Well I could keep talking, but I am going to wrap it up for now. I am excited to start my new adventure with Freedom and everyone else that is apart of them.

If you have a moment check out my vlogs and let me know what you think. I currently use a gopro with an external mic now, but plan to change cameras one day.

My Channel:
Video Gaming

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Thank you