The Motivation


Respected User
Nov 29, 2015
Hey dudes i was just wondering what motivates you all to get up and make videos. I've been trying to find my motivation and i just cant


Active Member
Freedom! Member
For me, it's the process of creating something. That's for me is enough. I knew going into this that YouTube is a marathon, and it usually takes quite some time before a channel will have a big audience. For me, that knowledge is liberating. I can do whatever I want and experiment as I please. It's helpful in finding my voice. I don't feel obligated to emulate anyone, or conform to any sort of style.

The second thing that motivates me is my team. We constantly help each other out. Working together, we keep each other psyched to keep moving forward. Being around like minded people is a major boost to productivity.
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Kratos Aurion

You Earnestly believe you could defeat me?
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Phoenix, Arizona
Well for me since I play games my motivation isn't just the viewers who support me but also being able to experience a new adventure in the game that I am playing at that time. Because of youtube I've been able to play all sorts of new games that I might have never gotten to play had I left the decision up to myself.


Kovu Productions
Freedom! Member
Oct 5, 2015
Hey dudes i was just wondering what motivates you all to get up and make videos. I've been trying to find my motivation and i just cant

The number one motivation for me would have to be memories. Were a family of 5 and I want to capture every special moment. I also have a passion for cinematography and editing, theres something about those 2 i enjoy doing. You add inspiration by other youtubers in the mix which is Casey Neistat and Devin Graham/supertramp on my end and that produces my content. I really do believe if your in this just to jump on the band wagon because everyone is doing it, in it just for the fame/views/subscribers and or money. Your in it for the wrong reasons in my opinion.
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Stretch AdventureKS

That Skeleton!
Freedom! Member
Sep 4, 2014
I am actually on a mission, on a adventure to play specific games on my channel, and also experience new ones. The more I do, the more happy and complete I am, so it's not just viewers. Like what @Kratos Aurion said, if it weren't for my channel I don't think I would've played some of the games that I did on my channel so far, and I am really thankful for that. And like what @Kovuix said, I am doing this cause of memories. I started this by showing a couple of old friends videos years ago, and even when I fell in love with someone, that one let's play that I did was a way of expressing how much I loved that particular person.

Olivea Sea

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Looking at other youtubers always makes my hungry for more and setting milestones/schedule for myself. Saying to myself that I want to do certain things at certain times and then doing it, feels very fulfilling for me. I like to be as active as possible all around my youtube channel next to my normal life so it kinda just integrated at the moment.

Mr Cotton

Active Member
Nov 23, 2015
I wasn't too motivated about getting started. It took a lot just for me to jump up and want to start doing videos of games I've hardly touched on my steam list. But already I've gotten this one subscriber who is very encouraging. Overall he had no complaints mostly thought my videos were pretty funny even the commentaries. So now I look for a reason to jump on board to start recording, and editing. Through short trial and error my videos are already looking better!
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Active Member
Freedom! Member
I wasn't too motivated about getting started. It took a lot just for me to jump up and want to start doing videos of games I've hardly touched on my steam list. But already I've gotten this one subscriber who is very encouraging. Overall he had no complaints mostly thought my videos were pretty funny even the commentaries. So now I look for a reason to jump on board to start recording, and editing. Through short trial and error my videos are already looking better!
Connecting with your audience, no matter how small it is, can be a big moral boost. It's awesome that you took that positive feedback and let it motivate you to give them something even better. Thanks for sharing that with everyone.

Snaggle Teef

Utter Legend!
Freedom! Member
Jan 23, 2015
Hey dudes i was just wondering what motivates you all to get up and make videos. I've been trying to find my motivation and i just cant
Motivation comes in many forms. It all depends on what your channel's bottom line is. Such as when I first started it was about becoming internet famous and having YOUTUUUUUBE MONEEEEEEHHH. And that quickly died when i began loving what I was doing, (not to mention I wasn't making jack squat)

After that subsided and i began gaining more and more subs, Interactions started, ideas flooded my mind as to what i ultimately wanted to do, I began focusing on that because i was getting the most feedback from it. From there it's just second nature to want to make more content for those that chose to sub to me. Gaining more and more everyday because of it.

So ultimately I believe its like what @MisterUltimate stated above. Connection with those that choose to follow you, is an experience that drives most to continue making content, inadvertently drawing more and more people to watch/view your content. Because you are personable and find interests in those that find interest in you!


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Apr 11, 2015
London, UK
My listeners give me the motivation - the amazing feedback they give and the time they take to leave me wonderful comments is something I truly look forward to. Being able to interact with people on your arrangements and works you have created gives a massive sense of satisfaction.


New User
Dec 2, 2015
I just think it's fun doing the actuall edit itself and editing the thumbnail etc. Fans hasn't motivated alot since I have so few fans at all.