Gaming The Introductions of all Introductions


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Oct 14, 2015
Hey my name is Ichi....

I have a gaming channel...

why i began a gaming channel? well I found fun hobby of editing and thought what could I edited and and that was me playing games and posting it to YouTube for feed back and help me be a better editor.
I have been doing this for a few months now and come a long way from were a started.. and I mean editing I started a few months ago hahaha...

What I would like to achieve one day is to be a video editor/ graphic designer

I know I have a long way to go but every feedback I get helps me improve my quality and production of my content.

If anyone would help me out and give me feedback to my channel and tell me how I can improve and learn new things, which will be a great help and one step closer to get to my dream job of being a video editor/ graphic designer

Thanks to all who reads this :D