Complaints The Freedom Channel review is terrible


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Mar 10, 2015
Hi all

So I heard about the free freedom channel review and well I wanted to give it a try, get some fresh eyes to look at my channel but what I got back is ABHORENT

Hello Riganthor,

This is Klaudine, part of Freedom!’s Youtube Certified Partner Management Team. My goal is to provide you with actionable feedback to help you improve and be successful as a creator, and this can only happen with direct and honest feedback. Here are the areas I think you should consider implementing in order to help grow your channel:

  • Upload Frequency and schedule
    • If you really want to make a career out of YouTube, consistent and regular uploads will be the best advise you. YouTube is not a marathon, you will not get instant results but if you do it right, you can be successful in building your own brand on YouTube. It is very important in growing a channel, as it keeps subscribers coming back regularly. Helping you increase watch time and watch time velocity on your channel which could result in bigger revenues. As a rule of thumb, it is best to upload at least 3 to 5 videos a week, with daily content being ideal.

    • If you're having trouble with your busy schedule, stockpile or make several prerecorded videos that can be ready for a week or month.
  • Video Duration
    • Video length is also important. People tend to want their content in small bite-sized parts that they can easily consume. Too long of a video may lead to your viewers not choosing to watch it at all. The best time for videos is around 7 to 20 minutes. Keep in mind that you can only use mid-roll advertisements for videos longer than 10 minutes. Additional watch time could result in bigger revenue.
  • Adding facecam can build up more connection between you and your viewers especially when you are doing commentaries, gameplays and reaction videos for a specific content
  • Great, Catchy Titles and Thumbnails

    • Titles and thumbnails are what allow your content to stand out from the clutter of videos on YouTube. They need to be catchy and attention-grabbing to make viewers recognize them, then tell enough of an intriguing story together that someone wants to click them. Of course, the expectation from the story being told by title and thumbnail needs to be fulfilled in the video right away, so make sure to make your thumbnails click-worthy, but do not use click bait.To draw the attention of a potential viewer, a thumbnail needs to be colorful, high in contrast, focus on only a few items that are large enough to see on a mobile screen, and use readable text (if any). If you have your face in the video, make sure to represent that on the thumbnail as well. Keep eye contact with the camera and make yourself look like you are looking at whoever is just looking at the thumbnail, as eye contact has been proven to work very well for increasing the likelihood that someone will click a thumbnail. Make sure to avoid placing important items in the lower right corner, as that is where the YouTube timestamp will be. A good practice is to preview your thumbnails in your image editor at mobile-phone level size. Can you still see the important details you want to get across? Good! If not, you need to readapt the thumbnail. Another technique is increasing color saturation, brightness and contrast to levels where it looks bad at full screen resolution on a PC monitor, but will actually be a lot better on thumbnail size because you see brighter, more vibrant colors and details. Example of good thumbnails and ideas.,,

    • Be complete with the keywords as possible but try to hype it up first with an interesting part.
  • Create "help videos/content". These are trend tapping or helpful content for your viewers.
  • To build your audience/subscribers, create a help content. A help content is something viewers search on YouTube to be entertained and/or answer their questions in mind. They are the "how to, tutorials, review, reaction, tips, guides, top list, highlights, latest updates, "top ten list" type of videos. These help you gain subscribers and viewers when they look for something they want to get hooked onto.

  • Consider also making "top 10" or "top list" of worst and best games etc. Example,

  • Do this at least 2 videos a week
  • Video production and Audience Retention- for longer audience etention and watch time velocity to your videos, these tips will help.

  • First 10 seconds of your videos will be everyone's critical part of their video, viewers tend to stop watching and never come back after getting bored. You can either have a webcam while your doing an intro or just get into the action of the game immediately. A static pic with commentating voice will not work but showing a part of its gameplay or your gameplay while you speak will be more effective. Example:

I hope you find this feedback useful, and I would be thrilled to see you implement my suggestions and see your channel grow!

If you’d like to read up on more information regarding these tips, visit for more details.

All the best, Have a great day!

now if you dont get whats wrong with this review, let me explain. this isnt a review this is the script on what one should review a channel upon, there is no personalized feedback ANYWHERE. this is completely useless. it doesnt tell me what I do right, what I do wrong, what I could improve. it just tells me the things I already know without telling me if I am doing it right. this review is USELESS. I am dissapointed, if freedom cnat handle full on channel reviews then it should have said so and not make us happy with a dead canary. this was really dissapointing.
I recommend people to ask for feedback in the tips section for this **** is useless this wont help you get anywhere.
I hope this gets improved



Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
That indeed is a terrible review. There isn't really need to explain why, let me just let a few parts sink in:
Freedom!’s Youtube Certified Partner Management Team
That review isn't something to be underlined with "YouTube Certified". That's a reason to remove the certification at best.
The best time for videos is around 7 to 20 minutes.
I mean I don't know what channel these guys were looking at while writing this but if a video has virtually no content seven minutes are seven minutes too many.
Adding facecam can build up more connection between you and your viewers especially when you are doing commentaries, gameplays and reaction videos for a specific content
Of course, the expectation from the story being told by title and thumbnail needs to be fulfilled in the video right away, so make sure to make your thumbnails click-worthy, but do not use click bait.To draw the attention of a potential viewer, a thumbnail needs to be colorful, high in contrast, focus on only a few items that are large enough to see on a mobile screen, and use readable text (if any). If you have your face in the video, make sure to represent that on the thumbnail as well. Keep eye contact with the camera and make yourself look like you are looking at whoever is just looking at the thumbnail, as eye contact has been proven to work very well for increasing the likelihood that someone will click a thumbnail.
This section has no content to take away from it. It helps you grow your channel as much as me posting this hedgehog image:

Consider also making "top 10" or "top list" of worst and best games etc. Example,
I want some of whatever you're on reviewer
To build your audience/subscribers, create a help content.
That is not a sentence and
A help content is something viewers search on YouTube to be entertained and/or answer their questions in mind.
that does not excuse it. Actually I don't think "a help content" can be defined like this.
They are the "how to, tutorials, review, reaction, tips, guides, top list, highlights, latest updates, "top ten list" type of videos. These help you gain subscribers and viewers when they look for something they want to get hooked onto.
Are you for real... This is watchmojo again, do they like want every channel in Freedom! that isn't gaming to transfer to being a generic top 10 channel?
I hope you find this feedback useful,
I don't, quite frankly.
I would be thrilled to see you implement my suggestions
Those aren't your suggestions, those are copy pasted from watchmojo or some terrible site.
visit for more details.
This is the only decent part, you reference a very detailed document for more help on topics. It's not acting like being for the channel specifically.
I recommend people to ask for feedback in the tips section for this **** is useless this wont help you get anywhere.
I hope this gets improved

Though to me this is a typical Freedom! Project.

Any Freedom! Project I know except for the Forums was either just hyped up and never existed (Every one of the seven million games announced in the George show, ton of giveaways, proper crowd sourced Dashboard translations, seriously those are crap), used to be okay but was abandoned (Heartbeat) or was released completely half-assed, bugged, incomplete (,, this).

Freedom! in general seems to have a tendency to have a big mouth but small hands. Every feature gets announced months in advance in seventy videos of a grown man cuddling himself just to then be left in the dark. This is a hard thing in Software development, upholding things and a quality standard and Freedom! is not even making an attempt at it.

Now that I've completely left the thread topic and went on a rant that should be its own thread I think I should stop. I hope something gets done there.
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Reactions: riganthor


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Mar 10, 2015
Wow a LW001 style rant, but from Riganthor. Having got my channel review back from Freedom, I do have to agree this is a very formulaic response, and has very little personal attention given to it.
That is the same response i got yesterday when i had my channel reviewed
Well this is the main issue these reviews arent really reviews they are a standard tip format that honestly isnt 100% correct for you shouldnt take watchmojo as an example. that said if the goal was to give members tips then this is fine but it should immediatly change name


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Mar 10, 2015
well it seems row did indeed talk with the higher ups for she cam back to my videos and gave me a WAYYYY better review

Hello Riganthor,

This is Klaudine with Freedom!’s partner management team. I would like to apologize for the last feedback you received from me. I agree that I should have been more specific on your channel and should have provided you with concrete examples. This was not up to the standard I strive to provide, and I hope you will find this new piece of feedback more helpful.

Here are the top 3 items I think you should consider implementing in order to help grow your channel:

  • Content niche

    • It's great to see that you're already focusing on gaming opinion content as your specific content niche, using two personalities to keep things interesting. Keep reinforcing that if you like producing this kind of content, but also think about narrowing it down to a specific game genre or platform. For example, your channel could become an authority on funny game reviews on indie games (or any other genre). Generally speaking, the more specific you can be in your content, the higher your chance at success will be.
  • Upload Frequency

    • Here is a screenshot of your upload frequency for the last 3 months with an average of 150-500+ views a month. The month with 14 uploads (3 months ago) got the highest views and the previous month had the lowest. Comparing these two means if you keep uploading videos at a higher frequency, you'll likely have the chance to get more views and gain subscribers.

    • We see best results with channels that upload at least 3-5 videos a week. More videos will help you increase both watch time velocity and views per month on your channel. This can lead towards higher channel authority, which means that your videos will be more likely to show up in home screens and related videos.
  • Thumbnails

    • Here is a screenshot of your recent thumbnails. As you know, thumbnails are among the most important factors when viewers choose which videos to watch. It's great that we see a clear progress in the last months in terms of thumbnail quality, so I will focus my feedback on three specific images.
      • The recent COD video has good thumbnail. If you want to improve it, add a little saturation and brightness on the image to bring out the character in focus more. Make the text larger and place it in the open area of the thumbnail. You can choose to keep the CoD logo or remove it - both choices work. Since you already have some text in your thumbnail with "dueling game opinions", it may be best to remove one of the text pieces to reduce clutter in the image.
      • The Battlefront video thumbnail uses a more generic background with lots of tiny details. I recommend to choose a higher contrast and bigger scene for your thumbnail, e.g. at 7:25 in the video. If you zoom in on her facial expression and move that part to the left of your thumbnail, you will have some space to the right side to use for your text. This will also allow you to increase your font size, making your text easier to read on mobile devices.
      • The Cuphead video uses nice and bright contrast. You could improve a thumbnail like this by increasing the size of the Cupheads and again moving the text to the right, excluding the text about Cuphead as it may be hard to read on mobile.
    • One final bit of advice: Make sure to avoid placing text or logos on the bottom-right corner of your thumbnails as the YouTube timestamp will likely block this area, especially on mobile devices.

I hope you find this feedback useful, and I would be thrilled to see you implement my suggestions and see your channel grow! Feel free to reach out to me for any follow-up questions and feedback - I'm eager to know your thoughts. Your feedback helps us improve this for everyone and is highly appreciated.

this is way better then what she did before, this is what i wanted to see. its a shame we had to start with sucha lackluster review but I am happy she acknowledged her mistake and came bac kto me so, thank you, good onfreedom and I hope this means all reviews from this point forward will strive for the same quality


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
well it seems row did indeed talk with the higher ups for she cam back to my videos and gave me a WAYYYY better review

Hello Riganthor,

This is Klaudine with Freedom!’s partner management team. I would like to apologize for the last feedback you received from me. I agree that I should have been more specific on your channel and should have provided you with concrete examples. This was not up to the standard I strive to provide, and I hope you will find this new piece of feedback more helpful.

Here are the top 3 items I think you should consider implementing in order to help grow your channel:

  • Content niche
    • It's great to see that you're already focusing on gaming opinion content as your specific content niche, using two personalities to keep things interesting. Keep reinforcing that if you like producing this kind of content, but also think about narrowing it down to a specific game genre or platform. For example, your channel could become an authority on funny game reviews on indie games (or any other genre). Generally speaking, the more specific you can be in your content, the higher your chance at success will be.
  • Upload Frequency
    • Here is a screenshot of your upload frequency for the last 3 months with an average of 150-500+ views a month. The month with 14 uploads (3 months ago) got the highest views and the previous month had the lowest. Comparing these two means if you keep uploading videos at a higher frequency, you'll likely have the chance to get more views and gain subscribers.

    • We see best results with channels that upload at least 3-5 videos a week. More videos will help you increase both watch time velocity and views per month on your channel. This can lead towards higher channel authority, which means that your videos will be more likely to show up in home screens and related videos.
  • Thumbnails
    • Here is a screenshot of your recent thumbnails. As you know, thumbnails are among the most important factors when viewers choose which videos to watch. It's great that we see a clear progress in the last months in terms of thumbnail quality, so I will focus my feedback on three specific images.
      • The recent COD video has good thumbnail. If you want to improve it, add a little saturation and brightness on the image to bring out the character in focus more. Make the text larger and place it in the open area of the thumbnail. You can choose to keep the CoD logo or remove it - both choices work. Since you already have some text in your thumbnail with "dueling game opinions", it may be best to remove one of the text pieces to reduce clutter in the image.
      • The Battlefront video thumbnail uses a more generic background with lots of tiny details. I recommend to choose a higher contrast and bigger scene for your thumbnail, e.g. at 7:25 in the video. If you zoom in on her facial expression and move that part to the left of your thumbnail, you will have some space to the right side to use for your text. This will also allow you to increase your font size, making your text easier to read on mobile devices.
      • The Cuphead video uses nice and bright contrast. You could improve a thumbnail like this by increasing the size of the Cupheads and again moving the text to the right, excluding the text about Cuphead as it may be hard to read on mobile.
    • One final bit of advice: Make sure to avoid placing text or logos on the bottom-right corner of your thumbnails as the YouTube timestamp will likely block this area, especially on mobile devices.
I hope you find this feedback useful, and I would be thrilled to see you implement my suggestions and see your channel grow! Feel free to reach out to me for any follow-up questions and feedback - I'm eager to know your thoughts. Your feedback helps us improve this for everyone and is highly appreciated.

this is way better then what she did before, this is what i wanted to see. its a shame we had to start with sucha lackluster review but I am happy she acknowledged her mistake and came bac kto me so, thank you, good onfreedom and I hope this means all reviews from this point forward will strive for the same quality
That is better, might be worth it trying again in a month or so to see whether they keep doing it properly or whether it's just a thing about asking for the Manager.