Entertainment TakeThree intro for our channel


New User
Hello everyone. I am one of the leaders of TakeThree. We are a youtube channel that makes skits and sketches. We have a very big passion for comedic film making and we are starting off small. Please subscribe to our channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfLInNfpf_yjH6PvGY7ksNg) We are going to strive for weekly uploads and we will promise to put all of our effort into entertaining you guys.

-The Take3 team

Bears On YT

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Awesome channel name mate! Welcome to Freedom! Feel free to PM me if you want any help or if you want someone to collab with <3


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Hello, Welcome to the forums (y) (Y).

Maybe you could share some information about all 3 of you, and your channel? :)