Gaming SurvivorCraft The Ancient Game Episode 1


New User
Jun 19, 2018
People tend to say that Minecraft is a game created for mindless twelve-year-olds.
However, I try to prove this wrong and show that true human emotion can be created in a game of blocks.
This is the start of my show SurvivorCraft The Ancient Game, a recreation of the CBS Show Survivor.
If you are looking for an amazing show to watch, or just have some time, I would highly recommend watching this show.
After countless hours of blood, sweat, and tears, countless early mornings and late nights working on this show.
After countless memories and moments to be remembered and countless mountains of difficulty overtaken. It is here at last.
After 10 months of creating this show, it is here at long last! Meet players such as the Fifth Place Recipient, the Nintenso Beta Tester, and the Escapist as the game comes to a start!
Who will be voted out in the two-hour season premiere episode of SurvivorCraft The Ancient Game?