Gaming Story About Banshee Videos


Proud Nerd & YouTuber
Freedom! Member
My YouTube Life Story as SGT_Shadow and now with Banshee Videos:

I didn’t really have a childhood. My childhood was surviving. My Dad was an Alcoholic and my Mum became a clean freak because of him. In our house, we had no furniture. Just a kitchen and a few beds, one TV, and kitchen stuff. My dad, if you can call him that spent all his money on Alcohol and took his drunken state out on us. I’m not going into a lot of detail because it was a very traumatic time for our family.

When I was 10, my sister and three brothers finally got out and moved in with our grandparents. The eldest two, including myself, went to my mum’s parents. My sister and brothers went to my Dad’s parents. I stopped seeing both my parents after a while, because of everything they had done to us in the past. I have lost count of how many years that I haven’t seen or spoken to them.

When I experienced YouTube for the first time, Ali-A had just started. I watched loads of his videos and I decided that this is what I wanted to do as a career. When I was 5 years old my Dad allowed me to go on Halo after he got stuck on it against the flood (There like Zombies for those of you who don’t know). I started off on the first level, picked up a shotgun and killed the Aliens like I was born to Game. An hour later we had both got past the Flood, I wasn’t allowed on Halo again until my brother got an Xbox. We completed the whole campaign in 4 hours.

About 3 to 4 years ago, I fell in love with my now Fiancée, Anna. Anna knew my dream of becoming a famous/well known YouTuber like Ali-A, PewDiePie and TheRadBrad. So when I found the Elgato Game Capture HD online so I could record my Gaming, she brought it me. She has her dream job as a nursery nurse, helping young children to develop before their school life. So she wanted me to have my dream job too.

I started off as my PSN name, SGT_Shadow (Which you can still YouTube that name to find me with the underscore). I became a part of Banshee Videos when Anna, who already used to be a YouTuber wanted to join my channel. The name was created when we was on Grand Theft Auto 5 and riding around in my friend’s car called a Banshee. From there it was just coming up with a last bit for the name that wasn’t already on YouTube.

Now, nearly two years later, being Banshee Videos... We are on 43 Subscribers, 2,609 views and 305 videos as of the date I wrote this (14/03/2015). DragonGirl910, my Fiancée does a few videos when she can but I am the main focus of the channel. We used to do a Video a day for a while. But now we only upload on Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday. It was too stressful with myself being unemployed and Anna trying to get as much videos recorded as possible after work.

If you are interested in our channel, please check out the link bellow. We have worked very hard to get to where we are now doing let’s play videos on our channel but we aren’t that well know.
Recently my little brother has joined YouTube and I am working with him to improve his channel.

(Could be Edited at any time)
Welcome to the forums, remember if you do YouTube fame or money, etc it won't work well for you, I've known a lot of people that have done that and have failed horribly :(