Gaming Starlord34 Gaming - Minecraft Channel Story

Feb 3, 2016
Hey guys!​
My name is Starlord34 Gaming, and I have been doing YouTube for about 5 months.​
I do all kinds of Minecraft videos, and I read every single comment, which isn't too hard considering I don't get all that much... But that's besides the point. My channel has grown significantly over the past few months. About a year ago, I wanted to start doing Minecraft animations. I found this very simple program specifically for Minecraft animations called Mine-Imator. (Link: This program recently got an update where your animations can be more high quality, but when I was doing them, the quality was very poor. Hardly anyone watched my videos. They were very silly, and I ended up deleting them out of embarrassment. There was only one animation that I kept on my channel. It was called "Pokemon Battle a Minecraft Animation" and, personally, I think it's bad. I only kept it on there because everyone else seemed to like it. After I made that video, I became inactive on YouTube. About a year passed before I decided to make videos again. By this time, the Pokemon animation had about 2,000 views, and I was blown away. The very first actual Minecraft gameplay video I released was about sponges. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Sponges? Why the heck would you do a video on that?" The answer is simple. I have no idea. It got about 30 views in a day, and I thought that video was fun to make. Maybe I'll make some more! After that, I made a tutorial on the classic "Jeb Door." At the time, my channel was very small, but while I did my animations I gained about 23 inactive subscribers, which attracted the attention of new people. I'm sure if I didn't have those 23 people "subscribed" I certainly wouldn't have grown as fast as I did. I started to gradually gain viewers and subscribers, even though my channel was very unorganized. I was (and currently still am) using Fraps to record, and Windows Movie Maker to edit. I then started to make a specific type of video every Wednesday. These videos were just speed builds of me building pixel art. This eventually lead me to making an official channel schedule. Every Monday, I do a minigame on various Minecraft servers, every Tuesday and Thursday, I do a tutorial, and every Wednesday, I will do either whatever is suggested to me, or just something completely random. About a month ago, I decided to do a giveaway on my channel. I would give away a Mythical Chest on my favorite Minecraft server, Mineplex. ( This giveaway got me a ton more subscribers, and while it was going on, I reached 100 subscribers! When the giveaway ended, some people unsubscribed, but a lot of people stayed. Ever since then, people tend to be more interested in my channel. I guess 100 subscribers is a big milestone! I joined Freedom! about a month ago, I think, and I have defiantly benefited from it! I currently have 113 subscribers, and I hope to get more soon! Thank you so much for reading this. I really do appreciate it. Here's a link to the channel. See you there!