Subscriber Milestone Small Amount of Growth


Rising User
Verified Freedom! Partner
Freedom! Member
Mar 21, 2018
So last night on a whim, I was watching this Markiplier video where he talks about how even the big creators struggle with creativity and self-image and sometimes easily get depressed and demotivated and it hit me on a personal level so I decided to post a heartfelt comment about how I can relate next thing I know, my comment is one of the top comment on the video and I've got a whole bunch of people replying to me throwing support my way.

And then the next thing that happened made my face light up like a light bulb. In about a half hour's time I got like 23 subscribers and they all came from his channel.

Now, I know that doesn't seem like much but I'm used to getting maybe 2 to 5 subscribers a week if I'm lucky. So this was actually a huge deal for me. The numbers haven't kept growing since but it was very nice while it lasted and I'm very grateful for what little I can get these days

The other reason this is a big deal for me is because Markiplier's audience is exactly the type of audience I'm trying to appeal to with my content. I draw most of my inspiration from him after all. I think it's working because one of the people who came by from his channel and checked out mine said I was "not overblown but not too robotic" which was a huge day brightener because that's exactly what I'm going for. The perfect balance between wacky comedy and informative commentary. You don't want to be boring but you also don't want to be overkill.

A lot of my core audience tells me all the time that they think I'm highly underrated and rightfully deserve more attention but none of them really ever bother to put my content out there and share it with other people so that I can reach those points. And self-promotion only gets you so far because you're reaching out to the same people over and over plus it makes me feel kind of spammy and dirty sometimes...

I'm hoping some of that might change with these new audience members but even if it doesn't... At the end of the day being successful at this would be nice but my ultimate goal is just making people laugh and smile :)
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zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
Just goes to show that meaningful comments can help grow your channel, and what makes it even better is that your audiences are so similar, it really does help you grow.
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Deleted member 197467

So last night on a whim, I was watching this Markiplier video where he talks about how even the big creators struggle with creativity and self-image and sometimes easily get depressed and demotivated and it hit me on a personal level so I decided to post a heartfelt comment about how I can relate next thing I know, my comment is one of the top comment on the video and I've got a whole bunch of people replying to me throwing support my way.

And then the next thing that happened made my face light up like a light bulb. In about a half hour's time I got like 23 subscribers and they all came from his channel.

Now, I know that doesn't seem like much but I'm used to getting maybe 2 to 5 subscribers a week if I'm lucky. So this was actually a huge deal for me. The numbers haven't kept growing since but it was very nice while it lasted and I'm very grateful for what little I can get these days

The other reason this is a big deal for me is because Markiplier's audience is exactly the type of audience I'm trying to appeal to with my content. I draw most of my inspiration from him after all. I think it's working because one of the people who came by from his channel and checked out mine said I was "not overblown but not too robotic" which was a huge day brightener because that's exactly what I'm going for. The perfect balance between wacky comedy and informative commentary. You don't want to be boring but you also don't want to be overkill.

A lot of my core audience tells me all the time that they think I'm highly underrated and rightfully deserve more attention but none of them really ever bother to put my content out there and share it with other people so that I can reach those points. And self-promotion only gets you so far because you're reaching out to the same people over and over plus it makes me feel kind of spammy and dirty sometimes...

I'm hoping some of that might change with these new audience members but even if it doesn't... At the end of the day being successful at this would be nice but my ultimate goal is just making people laugh and smile :)

Yeah its not hard to feel like your doing bad on YouTube, I have been there many times, but with the thought that if I was to not do a video there is no way to tell if that video will do well or if I would get large on youtube if I quite. Never give up kids if you really want to do something keep at it no mater what others say. Have fun is all that maters!


Rising User
Verified Freedom! Partner
Freedom! Member
Mar 21, 2018
Congrats on your MILESTONE ! IS there any advise that you can give to someone like me that has 50 SUBS

Quality over quantity. Focus on improving the quality of your content before worrying about the numbers. Be that editing, commentary, whatever.