Should I get water cooling or just more fans?

Sgt.Twinkle toes

Rising User
Dec 30, 2015
Hey guys/girls I just wanted to know if I should spend my money on water cooling for my computer or just more fans that does job evenly spread out between eachother?

~ The guy that doesn't know anything



Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jan 30, 2016
Wow, that's a really big question... I'll try and keep my answer to 250 words or less rofl@! First, if you really feel you're "The guy that doesn't know anything" then I suggest you stay as far away from water cooling as possible. Secondly, there's A LOT a person can do with decent air flow. You don't even need the most expensive case or the 5 star over 5k reviewed case either. What you do need is a logical plan + fans that fit your plan + a case that you can easily imagine the air flow in. The market is over saturated with fans so, personally, this is the only one that I would heavily rely on reviews (amazon and review websites/YouTube) to verify the manufacture's claim on performance and longevity. As far as selecting a good computer case for your plan, pictures help but if you have access to a computer store that displays open/empty computer cases (i.e. TigerDirect and NCIX) I really suggest you go and get a real hands on look at them stick your head in there and imagine your plan for moving air in and out. You don't have to settle on a case from the store, but use it to get a better idea of what direction you want to go. I'll give you an example of two computer cases: I have 1 BitFenix Prodigy with a stock Nvidia 980 ti and a Intel i7, this case only uses fans. 3- 2 on the CPU cooler and 1 for the rear of the case. Because it has a large vent in close proximity ti the 980ti, the graphics card has access to fresh cool air that way, sucks it in and blows it out the rear of the case. I also have a Corsair Obsidian 900D case, it runs 2 Nvidia GTX 780 and a Intel i7. I chose to water cool that one, mainly because of the graphic cards. Where does that leave performance? Is the water cooled pc faster than the one that uses fans only? Honestly, their almost equal in performance. The Nvidia 980 ti is a powerful card in it's own right, and two 780's are beefy as well when you remove heat from the equation.

In short, learn more about air cooling for now, invest in a style of pc fans that you like and decide on a air cooling strategy. Once you've mastered air cooling, down the line, when you're making so much money you're using it as napkins....then.... maybe....perhaps....go water cooling LOL. (water cooling can get crazy expensive). Good luck!
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Active Member
Jan 30, 2016
if you actually don't know anything then go with air cooling since watercooling can basically destroy your parts if some sips through

Ashley SilverDust

Community Team
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Feb 14, 2015
Maine, USA
Hey guys/girls I just wanted to know if I should spend my money on water cooling for my computer or just more fans that does job evenly spread out between eachother?

~ The guy that doesn't know anything

It's a little tough to say without knowing anything about the computer, but I think it sounds like you should avoid water cooling and stick to air cooling. You might want to do a bit of research about your specific needs before purchasing anything too. Good luck!

adam priest

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Dec 28, 2015
Has long as you keep a positive/negative air pressure, you will be fine, If you do want to go the water cooling route then I would suggest a all in one look like the Corsair h100 for example, just for the simplicity and performance.

Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
It was found by LinusTechTips that unless you have some serious blockage in your airflow (solid things like boxes, sweaters and Santa hats) then your aircooling and cable management performance isn't going to make much a difference in temperature.

Watercooling will be your best solution for keeping temperatures down, but like @adam priest said, an All-in-one unit would be your best option. Since it is evident you have minimal or no watercooling experience, your best bet would be to go for an AIO.

The H100i is the best and simplest to use on the market.


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Freedom! Member
Jan 30, 2016
LinusTechTips also says a good, reliable CPU cooler with proper fans is a notable 2nd place cooling solution. It's also worth mentioned that the CPU cooler beat out the h80i.

The Terminater

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Freedom! Member
Well it depends what you want to do. If you are planning to overclock and keep noise as quiet as possible, but pay 2 times more for the cooler. Or you could just go with the cheaper choice of fans if you don't have the budget and don't mind the noise.