Should I Continue making these videos?


Rising User
Freedom! Member
I think my videos are lit, just wanted to know how the people on Freedom feel, been trying to become more active on this forum. So, I'm here now. Here are a few of my videos, going to warn you though, I have a different kind of humor so I try to portray that in my videos, so don't get offended, lmao.


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Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
...aaaahhhhh... Don't really know what to say other than only make videos about what you like, make videos following your passion, if you make videos you like your more likely to put more effort into them.
Also, be careful posting videos here as your not technically allowed to be advertising but in this case you weren't.

MSHAY Gaming

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jul 1, 2016
I think my videos are lit, just wanted to know how the people on Freedom feel, been trying to become more active on this forum. So, I'm here now. Here are a few of my videos, going to warn you though, I have a different kind of humor so I try to portray that in my videos, so don't get offended, lmao.

Just keep making videos you love and just keep pushing as far as you can go!

Showcase One

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
Have to agree with the people above that you should make content where you feel most comfortable with.

While the video's you shared isn't my type of content doesn't mean there is no audience for it.

@TwilightPrinze Is exactly right, not all content suits everyone. You should stick to what you do best because there is an audience for all content. Just keep doing what you do as long as t makes you happy and your passionate about it.