
New User

We're TheRoyalGamers and are 2 people who like to play anything on PS4.

post (about) weekly, every Saturday or Sunday.

We play about any game. If you are interested please contact the PSN seby16-07 or respond here. We play every game (well, almost, we're not that rich ;)... Funny..? No..? okay....(facepalm)), from FIFA to COD to UFC to even F1.

Please contact us if you have any questions or any suggestions down there.


Vortex 2

New User
Was wondering if you wanna collab? I just made a channel so id love to have some help.... thanks and have a great day..


New User
Hey! Just checked out your channel and loved what I saw. Myself and 2 others have just started our channels and are looking for people to collab with. We play GTA V, Rocket League, Battlefield 4, BO3, and many more games. If you're interested please let me know. My PSN is Khaosrune, check me out on youtube tell me if my humor is what you're looking for!