PC Cant Run Miner?

Tim McCammon

Rising User
Freedom! Member
This is more of a question. My PC runs windows 10 with an AMD Ryzen 5 1400 Quad Core CPU and a Gigabyte Radeon RX 570 I've tried allowing access to the Miner and it either gets stuck in an infinite loading process or it pops up saying my PC cant run the Miner...Not sure if im doing something wrong because I'm kinda new to this. I also have a different Anti virus. Could that be affecting it?. In the Miner it has a button to auto allow windows defender exclusion. Under that it shows No connection. Any tips?Crypto Miner 0.4.9 11_1_2018 3_03_25 AM.png


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Try disabling your antivirus, they don't like mining programs.