Network Partners do no recieve CMS invites automaticly


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Hey Freedom and fellow youtubers,

I as a freedom subnetwork have had problems the last 2 months. Most of my partners do not recieve a cms request automaticly. As you can understand this is very anoying and makes things more difficult. Luckely we made a google form document which partners can fill in if they didn't recieve a CMS invite. We will send those partners from the form over to CMS manager. But as you can expect, this is just time consuming an anoying for me and the CMS manager.

Here is the ''bug blast template'' filled in:


Bug Description
Most partners won't recieve a CMS request automaticly

Steps to Reproduce
Partner with our subnetwork (TFCnetwork) Wait 3 days. Some partners (about 30%) are getting the invite automaticly and some don't (about 70%)

Actual Behavior
You sometimes won't get a CMS invite

Expected Behavior
After a few days (around 3 days) every partner (with video's and without strikes) should get a CMS invite.

Troubleshooting/Testing Steps Attempted

Let everyone who didn't recieve a CMS request fill in a form and send that over to a CMS manager.

I hope it will be fixt soon,