Gaming Overwatch Mode of the Week - Random Heros


Your Average Gamer!
Freedom! Member
Oct 11, 2014
Love this Weekly Brawl :D

With Random heroes everyone is out of their comfort zone wich gives a new twist to the game :p
What platform you play on as i record it on PS4 :)

I am on the Xbox One. I have been having a blast with the game mode. I like playing a lot of characters so it doesn't affect me too much. Some curve balls are harder to handle than others, that's for sure.

Reyman Yoii

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Oct 17, 2014
honestly its a good vid, but try cut the length down to 5 mins. Do this by cutting out pointless rants, eg. what you plan to do with you channel. and all the times when your not talking unless your hitting a clip. A good example of this is FaZe Jev he does this typres of vids perfectly and you should follow him by example as I am, Don't be discouraged by him being in FaZe as he is not a generic snper YouTuber.
I would appreciate some criticism on my vids if you have the time thanks. But just to make it clear no one, no matter what YouTuber, no one wants to listen about their plans for their channel unless its going to include the view. JUST TALK ABOUT THE GAME or a life story or any story!