Gaming Over 18 collaboration PC/PS4

The Bossman

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jan 23, 2016

I am just over a month old on Youtube and have 49 subs, I really want this to be a lot more.

I have watched Youtube for a while now and always find the most fun to be had is when there is a group who get on and have a laugh. This is what kind of group I want to set up.

I want to set up a primarily PC gaming group but I can also play on PS4 too. I play many games and I am willing to buy games to benefit my channel. I think it would be perfect if there was around 5 or 6 people in this group and I want the people involved to be seriously in to Youtube and wanting to grow. Most importantly though I want to have a laugh. My channel is not pg and I am 27 (with the brain of an 18 year old) so I need people above the age of 18. This will be set up as a project and hopefully in the future if we do well enough we can make the group official. I am from the UK too so that would be beneficial due to lag reasons.

The main thing I am bothered about though is having a laugh. I am not a serious gamer, I will troll when things arent going my way. So check out my channel see if I am the kind of person you will get along with and please if you are interested share a video of what you think will show me why you should be in the group. If you can't share just tell me the name of it and I will go on your channel and have a look at it.

Sorry for the essay, but like I said this is a serious group that I hope can help every one of us grow.

There is no minimum or maximum subs you need, I am genuinely looking for people I think I will get on with and make something amazing together.

If you are interested in playing a particular game let me know. I own a lot of games so listing them all on here would be too much.


Rising User
Feb 9, 2016
I'm also looking for someone to collab with.

I have recently started uploading videos more frequently, because I've gotten more and more interested in doing well and hopefully getting some good content out there, but I would very much like to have a group to collab with.

I got a few followers from early youtube (non-gaming), but I've gone over to gaming.

I'm 28, and while I can be mature, I'm also a child at heart.

Feel free to PM me or just write here if I might be one of those you'd be interested to collab with!

PS. I will WITHOUT A DOUBT be playing The Divison on PC.