Entertainment OriginalNex TV - Working to Entertain and Help you!

OriginalNex TV

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Hello Fellow Surfers, Welcome to OriginalNex TV on Youtube... I am your man Nex, and lets get right into this. Now firstly I do YouTube to entertain, yes just like every human being it would be amazing to be pewdie rich, but hey lets first fixate on entertaining and growing as a channel before thinking of the gold cars, houses that reach the sky and yeah the LADIES :D anyyyyyyyyway...
I am currently working on doing a Podcast and will be buying a microphone the OriginalNex TV channel can hold a podcast which interviews you and your channel to build you up as well as my channel.
I do vlogs, reviews, commentaries, and will even hold an opening for people to come and collaborate on the commentarys so for example if we watching WWE Smackdown at same time and commentating you could join the Google Hangout stream on my channel and give your channel a shout and even tell your viewers about the stream and mix the two groups,

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