Gaming Orange Peel Introduction


Rising User
Dec 27, 2016
Your name/alias: Orange Peel
Where are you from?: Canada
How old are you?: 16
How did you find Freedom?: Through a friend.
What made you join our forums: I was told about the community and that it was a great way to get my channel out there.
What are your hobbies?: Recently it became making videos but outside of YouTube, it's always been ice hockey.
What is your favourite food?: Lasagna and Poutine.
Why did you start YouTube?: I enjoy editing clips and making them entertaining, so I decided that it would be a great idea to put my content out there.
What king of channel do you run?: A gaming channel that is based on making entertaining videos that are cool to watch because of the work put into them and the story behind them. I like to edit my videos into a bit of an adventure so comedy and humour would be difficult to find on my channel.
How frequently do you upload?: It is difficult to say since it depends on the video I am editing and what is happening outside of YouTube. The reason it depends on the video I am editing is because I try to put as much of time as I can into editing to make my videos look professionally made. I don't have a upload pattern so if I upload than I upload and I make sure it will be a good upload, so if a video will have to take a week to edit than I will take a week to edit it and I won't speed through it because I told someone I was going to upload at a certain time. Therefore I upload only when I think a video is ready to be uploaded since I prefer quality over quantity.



The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Your name/alias: Orange Peel
Where are you from?: Canada
How old are you?: 16
How did you find Freedom?: Through a friend.
What made you join our forums: I was told about the community and that it was a great way to get my channel out there.
What are your hobbies?: Recently it became making videos but outside of YouTube, it's always been ice hockey.
What is your favourite food?: Lasagna and Poutine.
Why did you start YouTube?: I enjoy editing clips and making them entertaining, so I decided that it would be a great idea to put my content out there.
What king of channel do you run?: A gaming channel that is based on making entertaining videos that are cool to watch because of the work put into them and the story behind them. I like to edit my videos into a bit of an adventure so comedy and humour would be difficult to find on my channel.
How frequently do you upload?: It is difficult to say since it depends on the video I am editing and what is happening outside of YouTube. The reason it depends on the video I am editing is because I try to put as much of time as I can into editing to make my videos look professionally made. I don't have a upload pattern so if I upload than I upload and I make sure it will be a good upload, so if a video will have to take a week to edit than I will take a week to edit it and I won't speed through it because I told someone I was going to upload at a certain time. Therefore I upload only when I think a video is ready to be uploaded since I prefer quality over quantity.
Welcome to the Freedom Community ;)

Cool to hear you do Ice Hockey wich is an amazing sport :D
Since you mention you are going to run a gaming channel but in a bit of an adventure way you made me curious wich games and how exactly :)
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Rising User
Dec 27, 2016
Welcome to the Freedom Community ;)

Cool to hear you do Ice Hockey wich is an amazing sport :D
Since you mention you are going to run a gaming channel but in a bit of an adventure way you made me curious wich games and how exactly :)

It is difficult to describe what I meant by editing videos into a bit of an adventure. The videos are meant to satisfy the viewers and make them want to be there and experience the experience that was experienced. Therefore giving the videos a meaning and a story to tell. Survival games are a great way to show this.


The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
It is difficult to describe what I meant by editing videos into a bit of an adventure. The videos are meant to satisfy the viewers and make them want to be there and experience the experience that was experienced. Therefore giving the videos a meaning and a story to tell. Survival games are a great way to show this.
Ah, i understand and that is indeed a great way to interact with the audience trough your content :)
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Rising User
Dec 27, 2016
Thanks mate and of course i don't mind you asking ;)

I work in the Security branche in a video monitoring centre watching security camera's and such :)

Ahh interesting.. I've seen does jobs in movies; when the security guard always falls asleep whilst watching the cameras during a burglary haha :p.
Must be a hard job if there are too many cameras to work with.


The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Ahh interesting.. I've seen does jobs in movies; when the security guard always falls asleep whilst watching the cameras during a burglary haha :p.
Must be a hard job if there are too many cameras to work with.
Haha, yea on movies and such they always spot with such jobs. During a Night Shift it can be tough at times as you have all these images and short clips on a load of screens flashing wich is not the most amusing thing to see at 03AM XD
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Rising User
Dec 27, 2016
Haha, yea on movies and such they always spot with such jobs. During a Night Shift it can be tough at times as you have all these images and short clips on a load of screens flashing wich is not the most amusing thing to see at 03AM XD

That's unfortunate.. well anyway I hope the new year will go all well for you. :D

Deleted member 137653

Your name/alias: Orange Peel
Where are you from?: Canada
How old are you?: 16
How did you find Freedom?: Through a friend.
What made you join our forums: I was told about the community and that it was a great way to get my channel out there.
What are your hobbies?: Recently it became making videos but outside of YouTube, it's always been ice hockey.
What is your favourite food?: Lasagna and Poutine.
Why did you start YouTube?: I enjoy editing clips and making them entertaining, so I decided that it would be a great idea to put my content out there.
What king of channel do you run?: A gaming channel that is based on making entertaining videos that are cool to watch because of the work put into them and the story behind them. I like to edit my videos into a bit of an adventure so comedy and humour would be difficult to find on my channel.
How frequently do you upload?: It is difficult to say since it depends on the video I am editing and what is happening outside of YouTube. The reason it depends on the video I am editing is because I try to put as much of time as I can into editing to make my videos look professionally made. I don't have a upload pattern so if I upload than I upload and I make sure it will be a good upload, so if a video will have to take a week to edit than I will take a week to edit it and I won't speed through it because I told someone I was going to upload at a certain time. Therefore I upload only when I think a video is ready to be uploaded since I prefer quality over quantity.
Welcome to the Freedom! Family! It's great that you love editing! The danker the meme and the higher the content aware scale, the better. xD
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