New Series?

Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
There is no point in reviewing a product that has been around for a long time.
A big part of YouTube [and getting big on it] is being ahead of the gradient of trends.

Unless you're reviewing a game that was released a day or two ago, OR have a ultra-unique ulta-entertaining ultra-high-quality method of presenting a years old video game for review, then there isn't much point since it's not going to get seen by the masses.

[Also note; Someone might come along and say "Oh, well, just do it for the fun, no need to worry about numbers". If there is nobody watching, there is no point to making the video. Yeah, do what you want, but cater to the audience somewhat at least. Make things people want to see while still doing what you want to be doing].