Gaming New Here Need Some Help


New User
Hello My Name Is CasualApe.I Am A Very Small Youtuber And Would Appericate Some Help.If Your Willing To Watch My Three Latest Videos.Also If You Wanna Subscribe Please Do! Thanks,CasualApe
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Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Welcome to the Freedom! Forums! Anything you can tell us about yourself?


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Welcome to the forums! As LW said, please tell us about yourself. Also, don't forget to link your channel in the Personal Details. :)


Respected User
Freedom! Member
hey welcome to freedom please do tell us about yourself also sort out the youtube bit so we can check out the channel ;)


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Welcome to the forums! When you read this please don't think I'm trying to be mean or discourage you from YouTube in anyway but my criticism can be very harsh at times.

As it stands on YouTube its very hard to grow your channel. The best way to help push past the rest of the spam on YouTube is to create content that's Unique in one way or another. Weather that's your personality you show during your video, your editing or your content you have to work really hard at them to stand out. I google searched your channel and I'm assuming you are the one with 77 subscribers. as it stands from looking at your channels content id say that you need to invest in some custom artwork of some form. I'm sure its possible to find Artists if your unwilling to pay that are looking to do Free commission work just to get more experience with what they are doing. Which will help you a ton in the long run. continuing with your Logo its probably best not to use a Trade Marked/Branded Character from shows very popularly known as it looks "Unprofessional" I will be more likely to make people want to watch your channel a bit less where as something custom made gives you Individuality. Same kinda goes for your banner. I find that you did a good job in letting your username stand out against the background and it works well if you don't want to have it too complicated but again it would be best to get someone with a high experience within some GFX programs to have something custom made to suit your personality more as I find banners to be the best way to get an idea of what type of channel your looking at without even getting to click on a video yet.

As for the content, Strait of the bad the thumbnails don't interest me at all. they look very generic and this is most likely because you haven't put much time into making them your own. Just taking images from online or a screen cap of the video you posted isn't going to attract more people to them. in your case as your creating a commentary channel even a simple design in the corner would help improve the thumbnails. just take a look at some bigger channels and think what are they doing right. Don't 100% copy their ideas and style but take inspiration from them. Moving on to the videos them selves I find that your use of a flashy intro isn't really needed as much. These days I think that intros can really degrade a channel and personally see them as something you put there to make your content seem better than what it is. In most cases this is very true and I find content that starts with an intro usually ends up lacking. If you like your intro that's fine by you and I wont say that you have to 100% remove it but maybe have a little 10 seconds or so clip at the start before the intro that draws attention to what your going to talk about. as for the content its self it seems relatively ok for starting out but you really have to push your personality to your audience and make sure when they finish the video that they will remember you. I find that when your talking you seem to have a little bit of a lack of energy and I'm not saying go bouncing off the walls crazy or anything but just turn it up by 10% or so and you will see a big difference in how much people enjoy your content.

Hopefully this isn't too rambley and helps you in some way or another :)
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The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
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Welcome to the Community :)

If your looking for tips on how to grow effectively we have a specific tips and tricks section ;)


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
welcome to freedom! you may want to put a link to your channel so people can check it out^^