Gaming New Guys!


New User
Jan 25, 2016
Your name: We are Mike, Rich, and Dan!
How old are you?: We are all between 21 and 25 years young.
How did you find Freedom!? We found it from Twitter!
What made you join our forums?: We wanted to network and work with other YouTube channels to help everyone grow!
What are your hobbies?: We enjoy Food, Sports, Music, WWE, and Video Games!
What is your favorite food? PIZZA!
Why did you start YouTube? We started YouTube because we wanted to have more fun doing what we already did, playing video games! We want to create amazing moments and we hope people enjoy them!
What kind of channel do you run?: We run a Gaming channel!
What kind of content do you upload? We upload Lets Plays, Complete Shenanigans, and Good Times!
When do you upload?: We upload several times per week, not on set dates.
Channel link: