GFX Request need new banner


Rising User
looking for someone who can make a new channel banner that will work on all viewing platforms something based around thief 1, 2 undertale, human evolution, dark souls 1/2, i cant afford to pay anything, so i understand if this thread goes without replies
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Dragon of Unknown Seas
Freedom! Member
sorry im dead broke, be lucky to eat the next 2 weeks
Then I wouldn't focus on YT, but worry about getting a proper income flow. Unless you make a one-hit wonder (I dont mean to be rude here), YT won't make you good money until you basically hit 10K subs. Good Luck , though :D


Rising User
never been on skype, and its embarrassing to say but even talking over the phone makes me very anxious, chat like this doesn't odd enough

Graphios Designs

Active Member
Hi there I can defintly help you.
Im a experienced designer for a couple of years now.
I make Intro's and other GFX.
I will include all my information down below also my portfolio.
All my intro's are on my youtube channel so go there and dont go to my portfolio if you want to see my intro's.

PS: I do charge people for GFX so I dont know if thats a problem.


- GraphiosFX


Email: [email protected]
Skype: nlcrafterlabs
