Gaming N8Squared Introduction :)


Ambitious Entertainer
Freedom! Member
Jul 17, 2015
Welcome To Freedom! :D

WOW your channel have some great things going on , and i just love the way you run your channel because its more of an entertainment channel than just a gaming channel , and that is awesome! :D , but i think that you should work on a couple of things there like the consistency of your videos because 1 video a week average is really low , and that really won't help your videos get out there so you might want to go for 3 a week or more because that would really help you grow :D. Another thing is the thumbnails of your channel could use some upgrading because actually thumbnails are searchable so if you worked on that , you really could attract some people toward your videos :D. One more thing is the audio quality which can be easily fixed using an audio editing software like Audacity which really can help you with the echo and background noise :D

BEST OF LUCK TO YOU MAN!:D and one more thing .. I really like your banner and logo :p