Gaming my youtube channel and how i found freedom!


Rising User
well I first seen freedom! through stg he is a well known you tuber and is very involved in the 2k community I didn't sign up for freedom! right away because I didn't have my you tube account then and a couple months later I made my you tube account (Jorge and Elden productions) and a day later I saw a stg video and saw the freedom! intro again and decided I should partner my you tube account with them.
My you tube account will be mostly gaming maybe some IRL of me playing pick up basketball games I do giveaways I'm actually doing 2 right now for one of them you just click my very first video like it and sub then comment your console and a way to contact you and that ends February 11th. the second one is a 1 year ps plus card and that will happen the same day I reach 100 subs and more giveaways to come soon after so if you can check my channel out it id appreciate it a lot it only gets better from here. thank you for your time link to my you tube and giveaway video below:


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Hey jorgeeldenprod welcome to Freedom its good to see another cod player on here ! i checked your channel out and can see your good at the game and your videos are at a good quality ! keep this up man and your bound to gain subs in no time especially with that giveaway goo idea !! to help you out iv subbed to your channel as i enjoy your content keep this up man and i cant wait to see what you come up with in the future !