YouTube My Rocky Road on Youtube, Thanks For Reading


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Freedom! Member
Mar 30, 2017
I go by PurpleOak and I started uploading videos to Youtube for all the wrong reasons. I figured since everyone uploads videos it would be easy to drop some videos, get the views, the subs, and then the money would just roll in. I was in for a rude awaking though. I started uploading videos and all that, but the views and the subs were super slow.

Fast forward to January 2017 I started changing up the videos I would do. Oh I forget to mention I started uploading back in August 2016. Besides that the videos I started focusing on was Indie Horror video games. I realized that doing walkthroughs on games was just out of the question since the big Youtubers have that covered. I figured that out when I was doing a Let's Play of DOOM.

Fast forward to March of this year. I got a high quality mic to make my commentary better. I have been more indie horror games like crazy. I have been staying on top of games like Bendy and The Ink Machine and a few others. A few weeks go by and I get a camera so I can finally start doing facecam and learning how to use Photoshop.

Now it is May and I have been getting so discouraged with doing videos sadly. I mean I try to upload at least 1-3 videos a day. I like to think I make some pretty good quality content. Which that would mean from beginning of March to the present. My subscriber growth has been so slow and I have no idea why? The upside is that my views and watchtime have been great. There has been so many days this past month I have just wanted to call it quits and move on from Youtube. I read a quote the other day that said "You will never know if you will make it, if you quit" That actually meant something to me. What if I would quite Youtube ? I would never know if I could be on some of my favorite Youtubers level of success.

I have a better understanding of what I want and I will achieve my goal of being happy in life, even if I don't make it on Youtube. I will at least know I have been having an amazing time creating videos for you guy's. That is my story and I hope you enjoy it