Gaming My Introduction, Hope you read

William Kim

New User
Feb 3, 2016
Don't know where to start so whatever. I am a Gamer on the console ps4. I love playing games and trying new games, but i dont play that often. I'm really good at games, really cometitive and upload really good content that I hope my subscribers and veiwers enjoy. Life isn't easy and I know lots of you guys relate. My mom is working really hard day and night to pay the bills. All I hope and want is to post vids that other people can enjoy/have fun watching and help my mom pay the bill. Being able to say,"mom, you dont have to pay the bill this time, i got it" would be amazing to say to my mom. My dad left me when i was around 2 or so. Just recently I saw him and he wasnt doing so well. He's gonna die soon and I have lots of questions I hope I can ask him. Anyone, it's getting too personal for me so I'll just end it here i guess but I hope you guys enjoyed reading this post and have a great day. :)
My youtube channel-


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Nov 25, 2015
PS4 Family! haha :D

Welcome to the forum anyway mate hope you enjoy it around here. There's a lot of gamers here also