Gaming My Channel


The Crazy Boi
Freedom! Member
Feb 10, 2016
Welcome to Freedom!
If you ever need any assistance, ask me in the chat or send me a Private Message
I am on regularly so I should be able to help you if need be.

Why should we drop a sub? We want to know who you are as a person before we make executive decisions like that.
Please can you edit your post introducing who you are as a person.
You can use the template here, or create a introduction based upon this example:

My name is Lawrence Gilder, I am currently 15 years old, about to be 16 on Christmas Eve.
I currently live in the most easterly point of the UK, Lowestoft.
I started my hobby gaming back on the original Xbox, but slowly moved to Playstation 3 starting with the release of Call of Duty Black Ops 1.
I was promoted to Sectional Moderator on the Freedom! forums back in September 2016,
making sure the forums are as clean and appropriate as possible.

Make sure you read both our Forum Rules and Chat Rules to understand what is permitted in the forums.
If you have any questions, check our FAQ and our Ultimate Guide to see if it has already been answered.