Gaming My Channel and Me (PixelXZHD)

Cecillia Tu

New User
Feb 3, 2016
Hey my name is Cecillia also know as PixelXZ i run a small channel on my own. Why? i want to embrace women gaming not only that so that everyone can play games, as it is a stress free thing (unless you take it to seriously). My channel isn't the biggest but im working on it im currently studying in editing and filming i love working with partners and sponsors, i dont want partners and sponsors for the money i want to promote small businesses and small channels to help them grow bigger. Im on the process to making and producing more videos every now and then i want to make my viewers happy and be the goal of my life because not everyone has the best life in the world as some people experience the worst of things and there little smile and there face gives me a big smile on my face now gaming my not be the best to make them happy but good and funny entertaining games will help me do so i dont have that much money but i will use money i make to reporduce better quality videos.

I had joined freedom because everyone seems to say they are really good and it true i know there is machinima and curse but really i think Freedom is magnificent because they accept people like me.

If you do see this please take the time to check out your channels and please support me to subscribe