Gaming Minecraft, Rocket League collab?? (I have 50 subs)

[YT] The Platinum Sammy

New User
Freedom! Member
Jun 30, 2016
Hey there Guys! I am a small youtuber, looking to collab with the games shown above. I will work with any age higher than 10. If you are interested in checking me out, and want to contact me pls leave your skype name below! My youtube channel is my name without the [YT].

[YT] The Platinum Sammy

New User
Freedom! Member
Jun 30, 2016
Hey im up for a minecraft collab
Hey dude, I checked out your channel and it looks pretty guud, I would suggest tho to speak louder tho, because I had to put my volume to 100 to hear u, but that's not a big big issue, I liked what I saw and I would be happy to do a collab with you!! tell me your skype and we can work out the details over skype!!