PC Minecraft Collab for the Month of February?


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Hey Freedom Family!
I'm looking for some people to collab with on Minecraft
I'm thinking about doing at least three or more videos together that we both post to our channels to try and get different audiences viewing our respective channels, but I'm a small channel, only 76 subscribers. If you are interested in recording and expanding our sub count little by little I'd be extremely happy to do so! Leave a suggestion on what you'd like to play and your skype info!

Thanks Freedom Family!


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Hey bro, my name is Grape and I have around the same amount of subs, what were you thinking for that?

I've bene playing like, technic pacs recently, and those have a lot of content in them
Hey Grape!
I don't quite understand what you mean when you ask "what were you thinking for that", but I've been tackling technic packs as well! If you have Skype, add me: j4k3dxd! I'd love to collaborate.