Gaming Midnight Rivals, it's nice to meet you.

Midnight Rivals

New User
Freedom! Member
Mar 20, 2017
Hi, I've just joined the freedom family and my name is Jimmy, and i run a channel called midnight rivals. I started my channel because a friend of mine and me wanted to live stream, just for fun and to have a record of our games (mainly overwatch at the minute) not really expecting anyone to watch, however I realised it's alot of fun to make videos as well so I've started that.

My goal is to have an audience that's as diverse as my channel/brand, I have many hobbies besides gaming (music, both performing and writing, and cars to name just two) and hope to one day be able to incorporate all of them into my videos, as well as improving my video editing skills, I'm learning as I go and that's half the fun

Marcus Walker

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Oct 31, 2014
Congrats and welcome to the forums! You should link your Youtube to your signature! By Clicking Here, and scrolling down to "Youtube Channel" and copying your channel ID!

I hope you enjoy your stay on the forums, so many creators :D