Gaming Mature YouTuber Here, Help Needed :)


Active Member
Jan 4, 2016
Hi Guys Im What You Call A Mature YT At 36. Most Gamers On Youtube Seem To Be Teens To Early 20s. I Guess I Got Into Gaming Over The Xmas Period And My Daughter Said "Dad, You Should Do A YT Channel."

Wellllll, Here I Am. Im Here For Some Advice On What To Do And Not To Do In My Videos. Im Not Begging For Subs Like The Rest Because Im Sure They Will Come. I Have Been Using Social Networks To Get My Vids Out. I Manage About 10-30 Views In 24 Hours Which For A New Channel I Thinks Ok.
I Am Thinking About Using Twitch As I Have It Setup. Not Done A Real Live Stream Yet Because I Dont Have A Webcam Or Decent Mic.

Game Over!


Mar 1, 2014
Hi @FadedTiara,

Welcome to the Freedom! Community!

I think it's awesome how you took your daughter's request seriously. I wish my dad had a YouTube channel! :p How have you been enjoying the process of creating a video so far? It's personally one of my favourite things in the world which is why creating content on YouTube is my favourite hobby.

I'd also encourage you to use your Twitch account if you were already thinking about it. You don't really have to worry about the webcam too much but audio is quite important, fortunately there are some affordable audio solutions out there.

Drop by the "Gaming Discussion" section some time, I think you'd like it there! There are some people near your age group as well.

Click here to visit "Gaming Discussion"!

I look forward to seeing you around!
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Alkaline Martin

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Feb 17, 2015
Welcome.. good to see someone else over the age of 30 doing YT.

When it comes to doing Twitch as said before webcam not really a big deal, audio is a slight issue however, i myself have only one 2 livestreams and both where via youtube livestream but to be honest Twitch is a better choice as when/if i get round to doing another livestream i will be doing it on Twitch and i do not use a facecam because to only webcam i have is the one built into my laptop but when it comes to my audio i bought mic for like £30 from Maplin Electronics (i mention the store as i see your English and that store is available in England as it is in Scotland i think)
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Active Member
Jan 4, 2016
thanks guys. I put out 1 video a day, but at the start ( first week) i was doing 2 a day. Its not the recording part that is time consuming i dont think. its the editing the video, adding the audio on top ( i record voice separate ) then the rendering. while its rendering i do the .png thumbnails BADLY. upload to YouTube and sit and cry because only 3 people have viewed it. its all about the tags and i found if you play rainbow six or Cod you will get views. But i play a bit of retro gaming and that doesn't really get many views.

Im not worried about subs etc, its the watch time and views that matter to me. i have another channel on YouTube and that has over 700 subs and i started that last feb.

I have a Facebook page and a twitter account. I am more active on twitter tbh.

I do have targets which are try to get 100 views a day on my channel and hit 50 subs by the end of jan. only have 12 subs so far :(

As for twitch my pc just doesnt work correct once i upload to twitch. the game play judders and lags and i lose lots of frame rate. i tried doing Team Fortress 2 last week as a demo to get my head around the OBS software and it lagged. So im waiting on my radeon HD 7950 to do live streams.

My daughter lives on twitch and likes games like dayz and H1Z1.

Me on the other hand if i could play streetfighter 2 and mario kart id be like a pig in shi*
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Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Nov 25, 2015
Twitter is a good place to promote your videos. But welcome and all the best with your channel.

Just keep being active on YouTube and the views/subs will follow :)
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Ambitious Entertainer
Freedom! Member
Jul 17, 2015
Welcome To Freedom! :D

I think that your channel can really do great with the fact that you have some good points on your channel , but there are a couple of things that i think that you should change in order to grow more which are the graphics in general [ Thumbnails , Banner , Logo ] These things can really help your channel to look more attractive , and subscribable :D , also i think that you should also work on your commentary which i think is kind of low , so just add that bit of energy , and talk more about the game or even about some of your life situations like doing Story Time gameplays :D Also play some games which can help you reach more people , but with the fact that you enjoy playing them :D

BEST OF LUCK TO YOU , AND GREAT WORK FOR A START! , just keep going , and never stop! :D

One more thing , i would really like some help on how to use social networks because lack that on my social network accounts!!


Active Member
Jan 4, 2016
my youtube is linked to twitter, all i do really is tweet links to my games and im crafty. i put NOT #blackops3 or NOT #callofduty. that way anyone who is into cod or bo3 get my tweet pop up in their feed. i just use all kinds of tags. i think the way i will get more subs and views is by using twitch.

My facebook doesnt really get many views but its there to be seen. i always share it and put it about. twitter gives me more views i think. i have more followers on that who are into gaming than i do on YT.

new GPU tomorrow will sort the graphics. my Photoshop skills are pants.
as for the talking on the games. i cant multitask, if i try i just lose my focus and i start to swear lots and go crazy lol
im not really a bloke who talks lots to be fair and being something im not isnt the right way to go about it. lots of famous YT gamers are fake. i can spot that a mile away and its one reason i dont follow them.


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Dec 13, 2015
Welcome to the forums (y) (Y). Just proves age isn't a reason to stop anyone from the youtube game. Everyone can do. You just need to be committed and have the right people behind you to give that extra push.

There is plenty of how too on YT for photoshop, it really doesn't take long to learn the basics on there. :)
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Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
Hey dude , Welcome to freedom , being over 30 and doing youtube , good on you dude , your avatar and banner are looking good, videos are good !!! For twitch webcam isn't needed but a good mic is and that is all , enjoy your stay and goodluck !!!
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Active Member
Jan 4, 2016
cheers moate :) im not actually a partner with freedom, but im going to definitely do it. just researching more about it all first.
I try to do a video a day and today im just soooo behind. i might do a Team Fortress 2 video in a bit and get that up before 10pm. i always upload late at night.
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Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
cheers moate :) im not actually a partner with freedom, but im going to definitely do it. just researching more about it all first.
I try to do a video a day and today im just soooo behind. i might do a Team Fortress 2 video in a bit and get that up before 10pm. i always upload late at night.

Ah fair enough , its good here and you get a lot of help which is nice and Cant wait for the upload !! doing early upload could be better aswell due to school and stuff


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
see i go by the usa times, if i upload at 10pm 11pm it will be early evening in the usa. most my views do actually come from the usa. so its ideal. the uk isnt that good for views on my channel.
Ah that is fair enough then , good luck dude