Gaming Making a Community Channel!


New User
Freedom! Member
Jan 17, 2016
Cork, IRL
Freedom! have offered many things for me over the years (with different channels of course), so I thought that I would give something back. Here it is:

Hey guys!

I had noticed that there are many people that are struggling to grow their channels, so I had this brilliant idea. We all subscribe to this community channel and we upload our videos for others to view, thus getting your channel more popularity.

How it would work is that anyone interested in submitting a video (gaming related) subscribes to the channel. You then send a email to [email protected] with the subject as Video Upload and put a message followed by your video link. The content that you submit has to be gaming related and have NO copyrighted content (music, visuals, etc). If everyone sticks to these rules and whoever sends in a video subscribes, I think this could be a brilliant idea.

The channel link is here:

Get submitting folks!! :D