Entertainment Machi (royalty free music)


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Nov 13, 2015
Hi everyone! I'm very happy to meet new people from youtube :D My name is Machi, I make music since 2011. I'm french and I live in Canada most of the time. I travel a lot... Hehe sorry I'm not that good at introducing myself ^__^'

I have a skype and a PS3 so if you want to play... I will be more than happy.

Oh! I make music so if you have a youtube channel or wathever don't be shy and ask me to make you some music ^___^ of course it's free. Just say thank you, okay? ;)

Your name: My real name is Marilou
(Optional) Where are you from?: France / Canada
(Optional) How old are you?: 22
How did you find Freedom!? Oops sorry I don't remember... I think I saw a video or something ^///^'
What made you join our forums?: I really like to meet new people, and meet many passionate people make me happy too. I'm very curious actualy
What are your hobbies?: I spend most of my time playing piano, and edit tracks on FL studio. I used to do sports but I can't anymore (because of my knees, but don't worry there's none arrows in). I LOVE video games. You have no idea.
What is your favorite food? Lasagna!
Why did you start YouTube? I wanted to share my music with the world
(Optional)What is your biggest dream? It would be awesome if I could continue to make music my whole life. Sorry for being selfish but I also want to see my youtube channel verified one day
What kind of channel do you run?: A music channel! I made them all :D
What kind of content do you upload? A tone of songs.
When do you upload?: When I made one, but I'm not a machine you know... hehe... But you can ask me to compose a music for you.
Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/user/MasatoChiwa
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Reactions: russd3x


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Oct 27, 2015
Hello Machi! Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay and meet new awesome people!!!

I looked through your channel and I'm loving the music!!! Keep up the great work!!!

P.S. Lasagna is amazing!!!