PC Looking for PC group!

Arynix Gaming

Rising User
Nov 29, 2015
Hey guys! I am just wondering if anyone wants to get a group together to play some games and record videos! I was wanting to do some but not limited to; Gta 5, Gmod, Nazi Zombie mods, WoW and just any other game that we could have fun and gets some laughs! hopefully we can become good friends, and also grow as youtubers! I would like the group to be older, so we can have swearing and some dark comedy! but if your young and into that that anything is fine with me! so let me know if anyone is interested and they have any details they want to share!


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jan 14, 2016
Hey I would be interested but my channel is mainly based on gta 5 add me on Skype.

My Skype - KukDooKoo .