PC Looking for interesting people..


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jul 13, 2015
How's it going folks !, I'm Althalos, it's pronounced Athalos without the L :).

Anywho.. Me and my friend skittles are looking for people to play with us but we're not gonna sit here and state some rules, there is a very tiny teny tony loney boney requirement, and its that you're a fun person, you have to be able to be yourself, ya'll know what I'm saying ? Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not gonna judge you if you're trying to be someone else but I would prefer that you act like your true self, I would also recommend that you only reply if you're patient hehe!, I get annoying real fast sometimes. There are no set times that you have to play, this is YouTube, i'm here to have fun and if you're not.. why are you even here again ?

Any how, obviously there must be somethings that you must comply with right ? well you see that rule up there where i said there will be no set rules ? well I lied, deal with it.., if you haven't seen this part it means you haven't read this.

you must have a decent mic, that's vital for me to be able to understand the words coming out of your mouth cuz I don't wanna gg rip headphones lol.

I also like it when you compliment me.. nah just messing with you m8, you can tell by the title that this is a pc collaboration, you kinda have to have some games right ? so what do we play..

I play stuff such as gmod, black ops 3, h1z1, battlefield 4, csgo <3, gta 5, rainbow six seige, Chivalry medeival warfare, and a bunch more, gonna link my steam profile down below and you take a lucky guess.

You might have noticed the weird way that I chose to construct this topic, well if you like it then you're in for a lot more weird **** m8 cuz it's about to get real funky..

Skype @ krunchiessgaming - don't be salty ya'll chaps, old name.

Steam profile : https://steamcommunity.com/id/AlthalosGaming

feel free to add me on skype if you wanna have a chat

my channel in case you're curious: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwYQTJZPDJIgoZ0sH23HtQA