PC Looking for full time Collab Partners

diondro bowles

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Nov 6, 2016
Age: 16
Channel Main Topic: Gaming of all varietys
Amount of Subscribers: 855
Other ways to contact you:
Skype (preferred): diondrobowles3
Hey, Ive done youtube passively as a hobby however I would presonally like to become more constant with my content. unfortunately because I dont have full time youtube friends to record with its hard to produce any sort of quality content that isnt just me muttering too myself in a dark room.
Im looking for people who can record games such as Gta V, Garrys Mod, and any other games that we think would make for good content. This is not meant to be a soley buisness venture as I personally believe that the best way to ensure quality content is to make sure your having fun, and you cant have fun without being friends rather than buisness partners.

This is not by any means meant to just benifit me as an individual while shoving everyone else to the side, as to help cement this here are some basic outlines as to what I think we can expect from eachother:

  1. If available, all involved parties should help eachother create content, this includes playing games with them even if you yourself do not need to record at that time.
  2. Each party should be fully comfortable with crude or inappropriate humor, speaking for myself I can have a very dark sense of humor that may offend the easily triggered.
  3. Each party should probably have the other members channel link in each of the videos they were involved in to help support the growth of a unit rather than just yourself.
  4. if you aren't going to be available to record on a scheduled date TRY to give some notice so perhaps another member can fill in :).
That being said there are probably some things Ive forgotten but here are some things that you should consider before asking to join as well as general details:

  • I'm looking for approx' 4-8 people excluding myself to play games with to always have at least some people available to record
  • I am currently in EST, If this time zone is too far off from your own that you will constantly be out of my time when I can record, perhaps this may not be the best group for you. (4pm-9pm is usually good for me)
  • I am looking to create Vanoss styled "Best of" videos and as such may want to record single games for decent stretches at a time
  • Please at least match my age or have the decency to not sound like the average xbox live user, I dont personally have a batman voice but I dont want my ears to be bleeding
Finishing off I should say if we play Gmod I have the capability to host any gamemode (unfortunately with hamachi as of yet because the dedicated server was too laggy with lots of npc's) so that will never be a problem unless you need to record without me, in which case setting up a lan isnt that difficult.

Anyways if your interested feel free to message me on skype (ill be more actively checking it). However if for whatever reason you can (and u should be able to since ull need skype) feel free to leave a comment as well, ill be checking this thread occasionally.

Feel free to message me for any extra details! And dont be shy with the skype calls, trust me, its just as wierd for me talking to somebody for the first time..If we have charisma and we work well together then we will eventually get along great!

Look forward to hearing from you!


Rising User
Dec 25, 2016
Hello! Me and 3-4 friends have been saving and upgrading our PCs to be able to make what we think is quality content and have tons of fun. If you want to talk more on this you can PM me and hopefully we can all meet up on skype or discord and talk!


I'd definitely like that.

I've got the games that you've described.
Add me on steam : /id/dangerdoc