PC Looking for a YouTube calibration or a buddy to hang with.

Firey Falcon

New User
Dec 27, 2015
Hello fellow gamers. I'm looking for for people to do some videos with, if you would like to join me plz be 15-up for age have a good mic and, plz don't have as much sound i can handle a little noise not a lot. I am 15 i have a basic youtube channel like everyone else out there. now for thee games, I can not play a lot of games at the moment and thats because i have bad internet so far the only games that i have tested to see if they work with my internet would be minecraft and payday 2 XD i will be getting better internet in a months tops
and even if your just lookin for a new friend then then by all means just message and here is my channel if you want to check it out https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6W_C-KlnLHUr1103jXERGQ and i know my channel ad is a little old i really need to get a new one heh



Rising User
Freedom! Member
Dec 21, 2015
I'm 14, but you can judge whether I'm annoying or not here :p : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTDIxHZfsfrnlSQmFOueWyw
I would happily play some PayDay 2, as I have not played a lot at all yet so that would be interesting, but if your internet gets better and if you have a decent PC we could play some GTA or Battlefield perhaps? Anyway, talk to me on skype if your interested, my username is TJHeath32. I won't be able to record for at least another week or so as my computer is broken, but after that I'll be golden. I have very high quality recording devices too and I can livestream :) Btw, I only play on PC.