Gaming Jeon - BO3 Zombies!

Owen Griffiths

New User
May 4, 2014
Hey people, my name is Owen also known as Jeon!

I'm 17 (4th September 2015) and i'm from England, i have been doing YouTube for nearly 5 years now, from channel to channel, i think i finally have stopped haha. I'm 6 ft 4 and my fav sports is football :)

I made Jeon because I had a previous channel (Realistic Tang) and people who i didn't want to know the channel found out and i had endless hate and all, so i decided to create a new one and that their were no active subscribers!

Jeon (name) was made from me and my girlfriend (Jade & Owen) which made Jeon! (After research i'm apparently a Korean food lol) It's not any back story with it, it's just my gf and my name together haha.

Anyway, I make gaming videos on my channel! I make tutorials/easter eggs and more more content in the gaming community. Recently i've been uploading theories and easter eggs and also tutorials for the black ops 3 zombies too! :)