Gaming Introducing the Dazzling Diamond!


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Dec 13, 2015
(I made a pun with my own youtube channel name Snaps fingers)
Hey there! I'm new to this community and i just got accepted yesterday to the Freedom Family! I am a youtuber who plays minecraft and i just hit 300+ subscribers! I'm very excited and i really want to grow my channel! I guess i'll go ahead and fill in the base that was provided so you can learn more about me!

Your name: My name is Amber but I would prefer if you called me Dazz, Dazzling, Dazzle or Diamond cause my youtube name and junk.
How did you find Freedom!? I found freedom because i recently was looking for a way to expand my channel, i had a partnership in mind but the one i wanted, i didn't meet the requirements which was super heartbreaking! So i was searching for months and doing research on each of the ones i had in mind and Freedom! Came out on top, so i applied and got accepted yesterday! (YAY)
What made you join our forums?: I was waiting for my application to get reviewed and i was looking around on the forms reading questions people asked and decided to create an account so when i get accepted i can introduce myself!
What are your hobbies?: Youtube is my hobby of course but i do lots of other things. I collect oldish video games and enjoy drawing (even though i'm not great at it) and i like collecting figures cause i'm a dork and planning things. Currently i have a whole notebook filled with plans for the future of my channel.
What is your favorite food? This is a very hard question because i enjoy breakfast food like pancakes and waffles but i have an extreme love for Alfredo pasta.
Why did you start YouTube? So i was a big fan of youtuber named 'Slyfoxhound' when i was younger and watched him play this blocky game, which at my age was hard to understand but i fell in love with his comedy style and his lets plays. He had a song that really stuck in my mind for years and it is one of the reasons i wanted to create a youtube channel. I want to change the world, I want to make people smile and have a place to go to when they are sad or need help. I know how cruel the world can be and most people use youtube as an escape from reality. I am one of those people and two years ago i decided 'Why don't i create a youtube channel and try this youtuber thing.' So at the end of my first year i hit 100 subscribers, some months ago i hit 200 subscribers and about two weeks ago i just hit 300 subscribers! My channel isn't growing at the rate i was hoping but it is getting spread around and i love the feedback my subscribers leave me! We are the Dazz Army and we are a big family and i love it because not only do i have their back, they have mine and its a great feeling when someone likes my video.
(Optional)What is your biggest dream? My biggest dream is to be noticed. One day i want to have enough subscribers where i can have shirts and people would buy them. I want to go to conventions and see my subscribers and interact with them! Another dream i'm trying to achieve is to try to get a gaming desktop because I am currently suffering though a horrible laptop and i want to be able to provide good content for people who watch my channel.
What kind of channel do you run?: I run a gaming channel that currently is just Minecraft but in the near future i will be uploading other games, maybe when i get a desktop computer so it will be less of a hassle on me (I have a device that records consoles but my computer is to horrible to run the program ;-; )
What kind of content do you upload? Currently i upload minecraft minigames BUT i have a huge plan for a big series that is coming up in the coming weeks which i am so excited for!
When do you upload?: I'm trying to get back to uploading once a week but three weeks ago i had pneumonia and it was horrible cause i couldn't upload and stuff like that, but i'm fine now!
Channel link:

Feel free to check out my channel and if you would like i would appreciate if you could subscribe! I really want to improve my channel so feedback is wonderful! Thank you for reading this very long post and i look forward to talking to some of you guys in the future!

Bye Bye! <3