Gaming I'm back and fatter than ever \o/


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Your name: Matthew "fattmat9001" Morrison

(Optional) Where are you from?: I'm orginally from California, and I'm currently still living in California, for the time being anyway ^^

(Optional) How old are you?: I'm twenty two now, but that changes every year!

How did you find Freedom!? I came across freedom from a random stranger. They invited me to join Freedom a while ago, but I decided to check them out. It's safe to say that I'm still interested in their awesome teamwork collaboration efforts :p

What made you join our forums?: I love connecting with other people. My spare time lately isn't that optimal, but I feel a lot better when I'm able to help somebody new out.

What are your hobbies?: Gaming, exercising, and talking. I've been playing video games since I was about three years old, exercising since I was about thirteen, and I've been talking since I was one year old ^^

What is your favorite food? Chicken fried rice, with eggs, and salsa \o/

Why did you start YouTube? To make a difference with a small community. I'm very solo based, wanting to expand my horizons and group of friends. Working with people is a great passion of mine ^^

(Optional)What is your biggest dream? To make this a full-time job. Working on my current job, leaves me less time, and energy to focus on videos. My internet is lacking too, but I'd love some more google fiber in my diet ^^

What kind of channel do you run?: It's solo based hearthstone let's plays at the moment. In the future, I'm hoping to collaborate with Hearthstone players primarily, and possibly gamers of other backgrounds to help work side by side together ^^

When do you upload?: Hopefully starting uploading again from Monday-Friday, 3:00pm pacific time :p

If anybody has a question they want answered, feel free to ask! I used to be active here 1.5 years ago ^^