Gaming I Love to Make Gaming Videos!


New User
My name is Andy aka EatGuac. I got that name from an account name after someone saying that they hate guacamole (which is my favorite food).
I found Freedom bye my favorite YouTuber AsianWiz (He is currently not as active as he was which makes me sad).
I joined the forums to try and grow a channel, I had a channel but all of my subscribers became inactive when I focused on school a lot and couldn't make as many videos. But I am doing very well in my classes so i can focus more on making videos.
I love playing video games such as Minecraft, CS:GO and other games that I enjoy playing with friends. I also love sports like football, basketball, and track & field.
My favorite food is GUACAMOLE!! But that is a snack I also love cheese burgers!
I started youtube when my favorite YouTuber went inactive. I started it so people who liked his channel can watch my videos which are kind of like his videos.
My biggest dream is to have my own community on YouTube and make really good edits of any video.
I run a channel with series of video games that i feel like playing.
I upload video games that I am in the mood to play but mostly Minecraft videos
I upload 5 times a week but I can upload more if I have the time.
Channel link: