News I just Joined new member

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Welcome to the community, Tjscentral, as a good start point it might be worth you telling us some more things about your channel. There is a helpful introduction template which goes through a few questions to help break the ice and I have included these below,
Your name/alias:
Where are you from?:
How old are you?:
How did you find Freedom!?
What made you join our forums?:
What are your hobbies?:
What is your favorite food?
Why did you start YouTube?
What is your biggest dream?
What kind of channel do you run?:
How frequently do you upload?:

Also as you are new it might be helpful to include your subscriber button underneath your posts in order for users to find your channel more easily. You can view how to do that via the following link