Gaming I am new Please read


New User
Nov 21, 2015
Hey guys its VortexMirko here i am a new YouTuber and this is my first time recording. It would me a lot to me if u subscribe i really want to grow in the youtube community(y) (Y). Ill check ur channel out to if u give me some feed back and please no hate(facepalm). Please like and subscribe Your name:Bryson
(Optional) Where are you from?:confused:ydney nsw
(Optional) How old are you?:12
How did you find Freedom!?of my friend
What made you join our forums?:to grow in the YT community
What are your hobbies?:golf,soccer,gaming and running
What is your favorite food?salami
Why did you start YouTube?i dont know really just felt like entertaning people
(Optional)What is your biggest dream?to be a famous golfer or youtuber
What kind of channel do you run?:Gaming
What kind of content do you upload?I upload bo3 vids gta and more later in the future
When do you upload?:whenever i fll like it $)
Channel link:
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Ambitious Entertainer
Freedom! Member
Jul 17, 2015
Welcome To Freedom! :D

You might want to introduce yourself a bit more so that we can know more about you and what you do , and that can be simply done by taking the Intro Template on the Sticky Threads in this forum , so just edit your thread and you'll be good to go :D


Ambitious Entertainer
Freedom! Member
Jul 17, 2015
Well , i think that you just started , and you just need to know some basics of having a great channel , and i can help you with that , just know that those things require time to figure out , but try to work on them :D

First , you need to have some good graphics on your channel :D , and i mean [ Thumbnails , Logo , Banner ] those things are underestimated , but really are important to attract people to your channel , especially the thumbnails which are searchable ,and they are the first thing that a viewer see's on your channel :D. Second , the commentary , this requires time to adapt and recognize how to deal with , but i am sure that you have a YouTube icon that you look up to , maybe Ali-A or someone that loves COD. Moreover , notice how they talk in confidence and energy that you get very engaged with them throughout the video because they know how to attract your attention , and that is what you want to have , but NEVER EVER COPY THEM , just learn their methods and rephrase them in your own work :D. Finally and most importantly , the quality , you want to have the quality because there is nothing more important to a viewer than a good audio and video , so you might want to upgrade your audio into something better , and i recommend the Blue Snowball because its cheap and gives you that crisp and clear commentary that you need as a start :D , but don't forget to get an audio editing software like Audacity which is really easy to use , and really can help you with getting rid of background noises :D

read my words carefully , those things need time , and you just have to work your way up the ladder because everybody starts from 0 , and i mean everybody .. Markiplier , JackSepticEye , PewDiePie .. everyone who ever had a good channel started from the very bottom and worked their way up , and by hearing your commentary , you are still very young with potential , so just take your time , and work your way up to the top because you really can :D if they can do it you definitely can :D