How long does it take for you to edit a video?

It depends on what video and channel I'm editing for.

If I'm editing a vlog, it probably takes 30 minutes to an hour. It takes longer if I recorded it with my iPhone because the shadow files never load and it lags and skips until they do.

Gaming videos seem to take about an hour or more, depending on how much footage I have to work with.

For the newspaper that I work for, editing takes longer because the product is expected to be more professional and cut to only the essential parts to keep the length down. It also involves a lot of discussion with reporters to make sure it goes well with the article. So, these take a few hours over the span of one or two days because of discussions and the amount of content. It should be easier next year because we're actually trying to hire a videographer so that I'm not doing everything all the time.

Charxander Origin

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jan 25, 2016
My videos aren't usually too heavily edited, and are pretty short. Most of the time just cuts when we say something a bit too risky, or to remove some dead air. So my videos are usually pretty easy to edit. For a 10 minute video (My average) I would say it takes about 12-15 minutes to edit.